Wednesday 21 February 2018

Rhyes e queda da civilização estratégia persa

Robert Kalweit.

Gamer, European, Agile Enthusiast.

Rhye e Fall of Babylonia.

As condições de vitória histórica únicas de Babylonias são:

Seja o primeiro a descobrir Escrita, Código de Leis e Monarquia Faça da Babilônia a cidade cultural n. ° 1 em 700 aC Faça da Babilônia a cidade mais populosa do mundo em 700 aC.

Poder exclusivo.

Lei: Nenhuma resistência nas cidades conquistadas.

O poder único de Babylonias em Rhye & # 8217; s e Fall of Civilization não é extremamente útil para a UHV. Você não conquistou muitas cidades, pois seu foco principal é a pesquisa e a cultura. No jogo posterior você terá que defender fortemente contra vários impérios emergentes ao seu redor:

A Persia gera 84 anos, levando todas as cidades a leste de Babilônia, a Arábia dá origem a 183, alegando que todas as cidades ao sul da Babilônia Turquia geram 249 e exigem todas as suas cidades NW da Babilônia.

A própria Babilônia será a única cidade que não está dentro da área de desova desta civilização! Pode-se argumentar que essa exigência de conquista e o poder exclusivo podem ser úteis. Infelizmente, todas essas civilizações se originam com muitas unidades poderosas (únicas), tornando quase impossível ir contra elas.

Unique Building & # 8211; Zikkurat.

Unique Unit & # 8211; Asharittu Archer.

Finalmente, uma unidade única extremamente útil em Rhye & # 8217; s e Fall of Civilization! O Arqueiro Asharittu vem com + 50% contra as unidades corpo a corpo e oferece uma enorme vantagem sobre os bárbaros, o Egito e os europeus. Você precisará de defesa contra os imortais persas, contra a Arábia mais tarde e especialmente contra a Turquia.

Estratégia e observações.

Jogar a Babilônia é relativamente chato em comparação com a maioria das outras civilizações. A vitória histórica única pode ser alcançada em poucos minutos de jogar. Veja o guia de estratégia aqui:

Eu consegui a UHV na minha primeira tentativa:

Infelizmente, diante das ameaças descritas acima, não consegui liderar a Babilônia aos tempos modernos. Na verdade, nem tenho certeza se eu realmente tentei. Além disso: Com 3 civilizações subindo e caindo em seu bairro direto, é quase impossível manter uma economia poderosa. Rhye & # 8217; s e Fall Babylonia é uma diversão bastante curta!

Um comentário sobre o & ldquo; Babylonia & rdquo;

Depois de algumas tentativas. Fez todo o caminho até a propagação da Arábia para ver o quanto eu conseguiria. Eles me derrubaram um novo para dizer o mínimo. Obrigado pelo guia e pelo link para o arquivo!

Robert Kalweit.

Gamer, European, Agile Enthusiast.

Rhye & Fall of Persia.

Jogar a Pérsia foi incrivelmente divertido! Foi uma das últimas civs que completei as vitórias históricas únicas de Rhye & # 8217; S e Fall com e me pergunto por que eu mantive isso no final (início de 2017). Lembro-me de ter jogado antes e ter tido dificuldades em lidar com a Arábia e depois com a Mongólia & # 8230; Erros fundamentais foram feitos & # 8211; nós chegaremos a isso.

As condições históricas únicas da vitória da Pérsia são:

Controle 8% do território mundial por 600 AD Controle 7 maravilhas do mundo por 700 AD Controle 2 santuários da cidade sagrada em 700 AD.

Nada disso é problema & # 8211; As maravilhas mundiais são abundantes na Mesopotâmia e nas redondezas, bem como em cidades sagradas. Controlar muito território está diretamente relacionado a esmagadora seus oponentes próximos (e, portanto: sobrevivência).

Poder exclusivo.

Satrapy: +2 pontos de estabilidade adicionais para cada cidade conquistada.

Este é um deleite brilhante para Rhye & # 8217; s e Fall of Civilization. Eu consegui sobreviver muito com Persia, mesmo pesquisando vários Future Techs.

Unique Building & # 8211; Farmacia.

Unique Unit & # 8211; Imortais.

Os imortais persas têm um bônus de + 100% contra o axeman e + 50% contra os arqueiros. Isso lhes dá força de combate contra as cidades antigas ocidentais (Babilônia) e o Oriente (Índia) do seu império crescente. Além disso, os imortais são incrivelmente baratos e sua capital poderá produzi-los em massa! Em suma, uma unidade única muito boa para Rhye & # 8217; s e Fall Persia.

Estratégia persa.

A estratégia persa baseia-se principalmente na conquista. Da mesma forma que o Império Romano, você estenderá seu domínio e centralizará o governo (e a riqueza), proporcionando sua capital com um número nunca visto de maravilhas mundiais!

Aqui é um resumo rápido:

DON & # 8217; T construa seu capital no local! Mude para a costa em vez disso & # 8211; fazendo assim você pode aproveitar ao máximo o Golfo Pérsico (Peixe, 5 telhas de água) Construa estátuas de Moai para produção nesses azulejos. 2ª cidade ao norte dos cavalos ao norte da sua capital & # 8211; construa pasto o mais rápido possível.

(enquanto outros guias dizem o contrário, o tempo está realmente certo: no momento em que você conseguirá esses cavalos para finalmente construir mais unidades em sua capital, o capital constrói um barco de trabalho para melhorar o peixe) Matemática (Catapultas) & gt; Construção (Grande Muralha, protegendo você das hordas bárbaras) - & gt; Moeda ($$$)

Sirajis & # 8211; Persias não é uma capital histórica e o mundo do mundo se pergunta.

Agora, para os detalhes:

Construa mais cidades como achar adequado. A tecnologia não é muito importante nesta fase do jogo, principalmente porque seu grande número de cidades e seu grande exército vão drenar sua economia e, portanto, a ciência tem baixa prioridade. Algumas cidades produtivas bombam imortais e algumas catapultas e # 8211; Aperte em uma ou outra maravilha do mundo em sua capital. Ainda crescerá, embora seja altamente produtivo, o que torna o local na costa importante.

Para a conquista, existe uma ordem quase natural:

Rhye e Persa de outono: Conquista da Babilônia.

Espere que Shush volte para você, por sua vez, 3 e # 8211; Isso vai enfurecer a Babilônia, eles provavelmente declararão guerra contra você, o que lhe concede alguns Imortais extras. Capture Babili e eles geralmente colapsam. Agora, quando uma civilização colapsa, os independentes conseguem manter todas essas unidades. Don & # 8217; t ir após eles imediatamente & # 8211; com a fratura, a economia pode manter muitas unidades, então, se você as terminar depois da Índia, haverá apenas uma unidade em cada cidade.

Rhye e Persa de outono: Conquista da Índia.

No meu jogo final, a Índia já havia entrado em colapso e # 8211; não me pergunte por quê. Normalmente eles são cerca de um pouco mais, mas você pode mudar isso. Atacando Delhi do NW, o moderno Paquistão, permite que você alcance em uma vez e você pode facilmente derrubá-lo. Depois disso, a resistência é limitada. Peça aos trabalhadores que desenvolvam rapidamente estradas entre a Índia e a Babilônia para que você possa mover rapidamente suas tropas.

Obtenha todas as suas cidades e melhore a economia, construindo trabalhadores e colonos para obter o resto do seu império. Delhi, claro, está predestinada para santos santuários, ou pelo menos para produzir os grandes profetas exigidos. Os grandes estocados de alimentos são ótimos para apoiar alguns padres trabalhando como especialistas.

Batalhas épicas da história: Pérsia vs. Grécia.

A Grécia, incomodada por hordas bárbaras do Norte normalmente ganhou não ser muito forte. Uma vez que você tenha terminado com os restos independentes da Babilônia, a Grécia é fácil. Tente evitar ataques contra Phalanx bem defendida, ou você terá sua própria batalha pessoal de Thermopylae (sugestão: perca muitas tropas).

Além disso, a resistência grega é inútil e logo você controlará Atenas. Com isso, a próxima potência está sob seu controle. Ou vem com algumas maravilhas do mundo já, ou você pode construir algumas (se você não tiver feito isso em sua capital já).

De qualquer forma: com a maioria das civilizações antigas sob seu controle, obter essas maravilhas do mundo será fácil. Primeiro, porque você controlará muitas cidades pesadas em produção para construí-las. Segundo: Bem, porque quase não há mais ninguém para construí-los! China e Japão ganharam-no. Roma estará ocupada com os bárbaros itinerantes (desde que você tem a Grande Muralha). Como você vê na imagem acima, Sirajis construiu pelo menos 3 maravilhas do mundo que contribuíram para o objetivo: estátuas da Grande Muralha, Parthenon e Moai.

Conquista persa do Egito.

Integrar o Egito no seu império completa seu objetivo de controlar 8% do mundo. Cuidado com isso: conquistá-lo quase exige a Grande Muralha, pois as hordas bárbaras da África do Norte e Central podem dominar você. O Egito, é claro, também pode contribuir para o seu objetivo do World Wonder. Alguns luxos aumentam para o Egito sendo uma extensão bem-vinda do seu reino.

Sobrevivendo Conquista islâmica.

Se você acha que agora você conseguiu o seu maior e aconchegante maior império no mundo (bastante parecido com o verdadeiro Império Persa), surge uma nova ameaça: a Arábia surgirá em breve. Até agora você deveria ter construído alguns elefantes de guerra. Os imortais serão literalmente uma forragem de canhão, mas seus elefantes podem acabar com os arqueiros do Camelo árabe.

Além disso: se você construiu o Minarete Espiral antes da Arábia gerar, sua economia será fraca demais para bombear mais unidades. Você pode decidir mantê-los felizes e dar-lhes Jerusalém # 8211; se não, melhor estar preparado para a guerra. No final, você sempre será sucesso devido aos seguintes fatores de sucesso:

Não há outro inimigo para lutar, então você pode se concentrar completamente na Arábia.

(A Rússia no Norte gera muito mais tarde, a China pode atravessar a selva e a Mongólia ganhou # v. Depois de você ainda). Você tem cidades mais produtivas, então, mesmo depois de perdas iniciais, eles não podem fornecer-lhe. Sirajis & # 8217; (a influência cultural de sua capital e sua influência durará até a península arábica, levando-os até a opção de construir muitas outras cidades lá.

A pontuação mais alta e normalizada de todos os UHV Rhye & # 8217; s e Fall!

Apresse-se, no entanto! Depois que você alcançou a Vitória histórica única, os turcos vão gerar e essa é uma história completamente diferente em comparação com a Arábia!

Os guias de estratégia oficial habituais ainda estão aqui:

Conclusão e Império Persa da Idade Média até o Futuro.

Como afirmado na introdução, a Pérsia foi uma das civis mais divertidas para jogar em Rhye & # 8217; s e Fall! Não só por causa da guerra, desafios táticos, pressão de tempo forte, mas gerenciável, com Arábia emergente e Turquia. Mas também por causa da possibilidade de sobreviver até o futuro! Aqui, como as coisas pareciam em 1550 dC. Eu chamo essa configuração & # 8220; Europe shattered & # 8221 ;.

Como mencionei no guia da Etiópia, eu já me desafiei jogando cada civi o maior tempo possível com o objetivo de torná-lo a civilização sobrevivente única na Terra (me chame de ditador louco!). Com Rhye & # 8217; s e Fall Persia quase consegui!

Infelizmente, arrasar outras cidades de civilizações torna ainda mais provável que cada 10 transforma uma civilização dentro das fronteiras do Império Persa declara independência. Eu não terei tantas secessões! É por isso que, no mapa mundial de 2064, você ganhou as cidades na área turca, grega, egípcia e indiana. Para (entre outros) razões econômicas, eu mantive Meca e Patna. Em geral: eu era a última nação sobrevivente! Embora com o Inca e a Espanha em torno dela não fosse tão perfeito quanto com a Etiópia.

Civilização IV / Unidades.




Melee [editar]

Archery [editar]

Montado [editar]

As unidades montadas geralmente não recebem bônus defensivos.

Siege [editar]

Além da metralhadora, as unidades de cerco não recebem bônus defensivos e têm 25% de chances de se retirar do combate. Eles também influenciam danos colaterais e podem bombardear as defesas da cidade.

Naval [editar]

Pólvora [editar]

As unidades de pólvora não são afetadas por muros ou outros edifícios que melhoram a defesa.

Armored [editar]

A aeronave se comporta de forma semelhante a outras unidades terrestres.

O avião de asa fixa, tanto lutadores quanto bombardeiros, estão estacionados dentro de uma cidade (ou transportadora). Embora possa se mover em qualquer lugar no mapa em uma determinada curva, não pode atacar durante a mesma volta. Lutadores e bombardeiros podem receber uma ordem dentro do alcance de sua missão.

Os combatentes podem ser interceptados por unidades encomendadas em uma missão de interceptação, bem como algumas unidades terrestres (quando atacam suas telhas ou uma telha adjacente).

Outras unidades [editar]

Animais [editar]


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Civilização IV Índice Introdução Civilizações Líderes Líder Comparação Cidades Cívico Cultura Diplomacia Ótimas pessoas Religião Unidades militares Terreno Tecnologia Maravilhas do mundo Maravilhas nacionais Facções Americanos Árabes Aztecas Egípcios chineses Inglês Francês Alemães Gregos Incas Japonês Mali Persas Romanos Russos Espanhol Passo a passo Vitória Conquista Vitória Dominação Vitória Vitória Cultural Espaço Corrida Vitória Vitória Diplomática Apêndices Terminologia Cheats Modding Utilidades Modding noções básicas Python Console Dicas e Truques Python Tutorial Noções básicas API Eventos e Mods de interface Depuração Misc Mods Adicionando uma Civilização Outros mods Civilização IV: Senhores de Guerra New Factions Carthaginianos Celtas Coreanos Otomanos Vikings Zulus Novidades Vassais Wonders Walkthrough Guerras Peloponessianas Unificação chinesa Conquistas de Alexandre A ascensão de Roma Vikings Genghis Khan Omens, 1754 Civilização da Horda Bárbara IV: Além da Espada Novas Facções Babilônias Bizantinas Etíopes Hol y Romans Khmer Mayans Nativos Americanos Português Holandês Sumérios Novos Destaques Espionagem Corporações Eventos Missões Maravilhas Walkthrough Afterworld Broken Star Guerras de Carlomagno Cruzamentos de defesa CIV do mundo! Fall from Heaven: Age of Ice Final Frontier Deuses da antiga Guerra Mundial Rhye e Fall of Civilization Segunda Guerra Mundial: The Road to War.

Otimizado para telas móveis e páginas passo a passo offline.

Rhye's e Fall of Civilization.

Civ IV: BTS - 1.187.

Rhye's e Fall of Civilization (RFC) é um "cenário de fãs" [1] (mod) para o jogo de computador de 2005 Sid Meier's Civilization IV. É um "simulador de terra" que usa uma variedade de eventos com script para espelhar a história muito mais perto do que um jogo típico de Civilização, o nome do cenário faz referência ao seu recurso principal - a dinâmica "Rise and Fall" das civilizações através do tempo e seu criador, Gabriele Trovato, conhecido como "Rhye" na comunidade dos fóruns.

Uma versão do cenário foi incluída no segundo pacote de expansão oficial, Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword. É o segundo mais popular modelo Civilization IV (após Fall from Heaven 2) por número de downloads no Civilization Fanatics Center, um grande site de fãs da Civilização. [2]

Desenvolvimento [editar]

Rhye's e Fall of Civilization basearam-se nos mods anteriores de Gabriele Trovato para Civilization II e Civilization III, especialmente Rhye's of Civilization, que também buscava uma maior precisão histórica. [3] A popularidade desses desenvolvedores Firaxis, da Civilization IV, o convidou a contribuir conteúdo para inclusão no jogo após sua liberação, resultando em dois mapas ("Terra" [4] e "Idade do Gelo Terra" [5]) e dois cenários históricos ("Earth 1000 AD" [6] e "Greek World" [7]).

A primeira versão alfa de Rhye's e Fall of Civilization, então chamada "Rhye's Catapult", foi lançada em 26 de abril de 2006, apresentando um elaborado mapa da Terra e o mecanismo "Rise and Fall". [8] Com o lançamento da primeira expansão oficial Civilization IV, Warlords, o mod foi bifurcado em duas versões: uma incorporando o novo conteúdo Warlords e um que permaneceu compatível com a "civilização IV" de baunilha. Um terceiro garfo foi feito com o lançamento da segunda expansão pelo mesmo motivo, a versão Beyond the Sword de Rhye e Fall of Civilization foi um dos três cenários criados pelo usuário que foram enviados com a expansão oficial da Firaxis (juntamente com Fall from Heaven e Road to War). [1] O desenvolvimento de todos os três garfos continuou simultaneamente, com novas características sendo incorporadas em tudo o mais longe possível, as versões finais dos três foram lançadas em 2 de junho de 2018. [9]

A partir de maio de 2018, existem duas "variantes" de Rhye e Fall of Civilization, que alteram de alguma forma a jogabilidade básica. O primeiro, RFC MP, foi lançado em 21 de outubro de 2007 e permite jogos multijogantes de Rhye's e Fall of Civilization pela internet, LAN ou localmente no modo hotseat. Para tornar isso possível, vários recursos de jogabilidade tiveram que ser desativados [10], a segunda variante, RFC RAND, foi lançada em 28 de julho de 2008. É semelhante ao regular Rhye's e Fall of Civilization, mas é jogado em um mapa aleatório de vários tamanhos, climas e "semelhança da Terra". Outros parâmetros também são randomizados, como quais civilizações aparecerão no jogo e quando e onde eles "gerarão", a variante destina-se a fornecer "algo a meio caminho entre RFC e Civ" padrão, mas a reação foi misturada. [11]

Gameplay [editar]

Rhye's e Fall of Civilization.

Rhye's e Fall of Civilization está definido na Terra e é projetado para refletir uma Terra histórica o mais próximo possível. Um jogador pode iniciar o jogo em 3000 BC ou 600 AD. Se os jogadores começam como um poder antigo, como o Império Romano, o jogo é projetado para simular o colapso histórico desses impérios em estados mais novos, por exemplo, se Roma se espalhou por toda a Europa Ocidental na Era Clássica, em 400-800 AD , A França, a Alemanha, a Espanha e a Inglaterra subirão do território de Roma. Um império britânico estabelecido durante a Idade Média, se expandindo na América do Norte, terá a maioria dos seus territórios norte-americanos tornando-se os Estados Unidos da América em 1775-1776 dC.

Os jogadores também podem "mudar a história" e jogar uma nação com um fim que não ocorreu no mundo real. A Alemanha, por exemplo, é capaz de conquistar a Segunda Guerra Mundial e controlar a maior parte da Europa, Estados Unidos e Rússia também podem se envolver na III Guerra Mundial. As nações do Oriente Médio, como a Pérsia e o Egito, se tornam muito agressivas na parte do jogo do século 20 e começam as guerras por pouco ou nenhum motivo aparente. Uma nação fanatica do Oriente Médio com armas nucleares também é uma possibilidade muito real, cada civilização também obtém um poder passivo baseado em sua história. Por exemplo, a Rússia tem um poder, chamado "Inverno Geral", que faz as unidades inimigas dentro de suas fronteiras tomar uma pequena quantidade de dano, enquanto a Inglaterra tem um poder que dá às suas unidades navais duas chances de primeiro golpe extra chamadas "O Poder do Real Marinha".

Uma das principais características de Rhye e Fall of Civilization é a capacidade do jogo para monitorar a estabilidade dos governos nacionais, levando em consideração a guerra, a doença, a corrupção, a invasão e outros fatores que podem influenciar a queda de uma nação. Se um "poder principal" controlado pela AI no jogo se tornar extremamente instável, o território ocupado pela nação se separará em várias nações independentes, esses países menores são distintos da nação bárbara e normalmente não atacam grandes nações a menos que sejam atacados primeiro. No entanto, quando um jogador humano colapsa, todas as cidades, exceto sua capital, e às vezes outra cidade, colapsa em nações independentes. Normalmente, outros países perto das cidades que declararam a independência podem enviar seu exército para conquistá-los, depois que uma civilização descobriu o nacionalismo, civilizações antigas ou desmoronadas podem ser resgatadas, seja em terras independentes ou em terras pertencentes a civilizações relativamente instáveis. Por exemplo, no século XIX, a civilização grega pode declarar sua independência de um poder de ocupação, que geralmente é o Império Otomano.

O jogo engendra pragas aleatoriamente pelo mundo em torno de certas datas; Por exemplo, uma praga geralmente começará no século XIV-XV para simular a Morte Negra. A praga se espalha de país para país, entrando nas cidades. Uma cidade afligida com praga perderá um ponto de população por turno, bem como uma grande penalidade de insalubridade; Além disso, as melhorias da cidade encolherão de volta ao tamanho da cabana. As unidades guarnecidas nas cidades afectadas por peste ou próximas a elas sofrerão danos até morrerem ou a praga termina, quanto mais bônus de saúde que uma civilização tenha, mais rápido a praga termina. As pragas podem ser permanentemente evitadas por uma nação uma vez que a tecnologia "Medicina" é pesquisada.

Rhye's e Fall of Civilization também são projetados para simular o impacto drástico que a chegada dos europeus teve no Novo Mundo. Ao navegar em qualquer unidade da Europa para a América, o jogador recebe instantaneamente várias unidades militares para simular as façanhas dos conquistadores espanhóis, isso também engendra uma praga exclusivamente entre os nativos americanos para simular a varíola. A menos que sejam destruídos pelos conquistadores, as civilizações americanas, como os astecas e os maias, geralmente se tornam vassalos para as potências coloniais, incluindo Espanha, França, Grã-Bretanha e Portugal. A expansão britânica na América do Norte geralmente chega ao fim quando o território muda para a América em 1776, embora seja possível para a Grã-Bretanha manter uma presença no Canadá.

A África também pode ser explorada, mas sem unidades gratuitas instantâneas, o continente africano contém grandes países, como o Egito, a Etiópia e o Império do Mali. O "mais profundo" em África, um jogador explora que eles encontram pequenas aldeias tribais habitadas por unidades nativas que atuam da mesma forma que os bárbaros.

Além das condições típicas de vitória no jogo, toda civilização tem outra opção de vitória - Vitórias históricas únicas, que geralmente incluem duas realizações históricas que a nação gerenciou e outra que o país tentou. Por exemplo, a Vitória histórica única de Roma é ter todas as cidades de população pelo menos cinco devem estar conectadas por estrada e ter um quartel, anfiteatro e aqueduto, emular (pelo menos) os confins do Império Romano do Ocidente até 450 dC e nunca perder qualquer cidade para os bárbaros em 1000 AD. Ao completar duas vitórias históricas únicas, um arco triunfal é construído na capital, o que aumenta a produção da unidade militar e uma nova era de ouro começa.

Uma vez que três civilizações descobrem a tecnologia do "nacionalismo", os Congressos mundiais ocorrerão uma vez a cada 25 turnos. As principais nações são convidadas a participar, cada civilização tem a oportunidade de escolher uma lista de cidades que gostariam de ocupar; os outros, em seguida, votem sim, não ou se abstenham. Para que a cidade mude de controle, deve simplesmente haver mais "sim" do que "não", e a mudança ocorre instantaneamente. Se uma cidade controlada por um ser humano for votada para ser entregue, o jogador pode cumprir ou recusar a decisão; recusar pode significar guerra com nações que votaram "sim". Os Congressos mundiais terminam quando as Nações Unidas foram construídas.

Em Rhye e Fall of Civilization, nem todos os países começam ao mesmo tempo. No cenário inicial de 3000 aC, apenas o Egito, a Babilônia, a China e a Índia estão inicialmente presentes; No início do 600 AD, apenas a China, o Japão, os Vikings e a Arábia (juntamente com o império bizantino não jogável) estão inicialmente presentes. Outras nações, como Espanha e Turquia, aparecem mais tarde no jogo (a 720 AD e 1280 AD, respectivamente). Se um jogador optar por ser uma das nações que não está no jogo no início, então o jogo jogará as nações iniciais automaticamente até que a nação escolhida do jogador apareça.

Até a pesquisa do nacionalismo, as civilizações conseguiram contratar unidades mercenárias e também contratar suas próprias unidades; Para contratar uma unidade mercenária, é necessário pagar uma quantia fixa de ouro e você também deve pagar um custo de manutenção para a unidade, como para outras unidades militares. Normalmente, quanto mais experiente for uma unidade, mais ouro custará contratar, e contratar uma unidade mais experiente também aumenta o ouro recebido. As unidades mercenárias têm o nome de uma civilização (ou o nome de uma cidade bárbara) como um prefixo, e. Arqueria de Traça ou Espadachim egípcio. Uma unidade a ser contratada pode ser lembrada a qualquer momento, chegando na capital da civilização três voltas após a retirada.

Em Rhye e Fall of Civilization, toda civilização tem diferentes taxas de pesquisa e expansão, por exemplo, antes do século XIX, os europeus são tecnicamente para trás para civilizações como Arábia, Turquia e China. Mas depois disso, os europeus se tornam as civilizações mais avançadas (para refletir a Revolução Industrial na história atual) e deixam as civilizações asiáticas no pó.

Civilizações como a Arábia e a Mongólia tendem a expandir-se bastante, enquanto o Mali e o Egito seguem os rios Níger e Nilo, respectivamente.

Recepção [editar]

A inclusão de cenários de fãs em Beyond the Sword foi bem recebida pelos críticos. Rhye's e Fall of Civilization foram escolhidos por vários avaliadores. [12] Tom Chick de Yahoo! Os jogos o chamaram de "um dos modos mais excitantes e robustos que você verá para um jogo", [13] enquanto o Andrew Park da GameSpot disse que "forneceu uma nova capa de pintura para a principal jogabilidade Civilização". [14] Uma revisão de Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword também elogiou Rhye's e Fall por serem superiores aos mods oficiais do jogo Firaxis. [15]

Devido à alta popularidade do mod, Rhye's e Fall of Civilization tiveram uma série de mods criados por fãs que fazem mudanças no próprio mod. ("modmods") Estes servem uma variedade de funções, desde o alongamento do número de voltas, até a conversão total do mod, com unidades inteiramente novas, edifícios, civilizações e árvores tecnológicas.

Dois modmods particularmente proeminentes são Dawn of Civilization que equilibra o jogo e adiciona algum conteúdo extra para ajudar a orientar o mundo do jogo ao longo de um caminho mais plausível e Civilizations in Abundance que aumenta o número de civilizações jogáveis, adicionando cada nação jogável que estava na Civilização original IV: Além do jogo Sword.

Mais mods podem ser encontrados no subfundo RFC nos Fóruns CivFanatics.

Civilization VI: Rise & amp; Fall, a primeira expansão para Civilization VI, parece homenagear este mod, bem como o seu criador.

Referências [editar]

^ a b "2K Games - Além da Espada". Retirado 30 de maio de 2018. & # 160; ^ "CivFanatics - Downloads Database". Retirado 30 de maio de 2018. & # 160; ^ Gabriele Trovato. "Rhye's of Civilization: o modelo de carregamento mais rápido". Retirado 30 de maio de 2018. & # 160; ^ Gabriele Trovato. "Civilização IV mapa oficial da Terra". Retirado 30 de maio de 2018. & # 160; ^ Gabriele Trovato. "Mapa oficial da Terra da Idade do Gelo da civilização IV". Retirado 30 de maio de 2018. & # 160; ^ Gabriele Trovato. "Civilization IV Official Earth 1000 AD cenário". Retirado 30 de maio de 2018. & # 160; ^ Gabriele Trovato. "Civilização IV cenário do mundo grego oficial". Retirado 30 de maio de 2018. & # 160; ^ "CivFanatics Center: vamos comemorar RFC, agora dois anos". 14 de abril de 2008. Retirado 30 de maio de 2018. & # 160; ^ "CivFanatics Center: v1.987 - v1.487 - v1.187: THE FINAL PATCH". 2 de junho de 2018. Retirado em 3 de junho de 2018. & # 160; ^ Gabriele Trovato. "RFC MP". Retirado 30 de maio de 2018. & # 160; ^ Gabriele Trovato. "RFC RAND". Retirado 30 de maio de 2018. & # 160; ^ Gabriele Trovato. "Cobertura de imprensa de Rhye e Fall of Civilization". Retirado 30 de maio de 2018. & # 160; ^ Tom Chick (23 de julho de 2007). "Civilização IV de Sid Meier: além da espada". Yahoo! Jogos. Retirado 30 de maio de 2018. & # 160; ^ Andrew Park (26 de julho de 2007). "Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword Review". GameSpot. Retirado 30 de maio de 2018. & # 160; ^ Buxton, Chris PC Review: civilização IV além da revista Sword, computador e videogames.

Links externos [editar]

Civilization (2002 board game) The Card Game Civilization (jogo de tabuleiro de 2018)

Civilização (jogo de conselho de 1980) Civilização Avançada Incunabula Civilização Avançada de Avalon Hill.

1. Civilização (série) - A civilização é uma série de videogames de estratégia baseados em turnos lançados pela primeira vez em 1991. Sid Meier desenvolveu o primeiro jogo da série e tem contribuições criativas para a maior parte do resto, já haviam sido seis jogos principais na série, uma série de pacotes de expansão e spin-off, bem como jogos de tabuleiro inspirados nas séries de videogames. A série é considerada um exemplo do gênero 4X, no qual os jogadores conseguem a vitória através de quatro rotas, eXplore, eXpand, eXploit. Todos os títulos da série compartilham jogabilidade similar, centrada na construção de uma civilização em uma macro escala desde a pré-história até o futuro próximo. Cada turno permite ao jogador mover suas unidades no mapa, construir ou melhorar novas cidades e unidades, entre as voltas, os jogadores de computador podem fazer o mesmo. O jogador também escolherá tecnologias para pesquisar e isso refletirá a sofisticação cultural, intelectual e técnica da civilização, e geralmente permitirá ao jogador construir novas unidades ou melhorar suas cidades com novas estruturas. Na maioria dos jogos da série, pode-se vencer pela conquista militar, alcançar um nível de cultura, construir um navio espacial interestelar ou atingir a maior pontuação. A série foi desenvolvida pela Meier enquanto na MicroProse, o estúdio que ele co-fundou, depois que a MicroProse foi adquirida pela Spectrum Holobyte, Meier deixou outros designers para formar Firaxis Games em 1996, que tem sido o principal desenvolvedor da série desde então. A partir de fevereiro de 2017, a série enviou mais de 40 milhões de unidades totais, Sid Meier e Bill Stealey co-fundaram a MicroProse em 1982 para desenvolver uma série de simuladores de vôo e títulos de software de estratégia militar. Por volta de 1989, Meier queria começar a desenvolver novos tipos de jogos para expandir seu repertório, inspirado nos recentes sucessos dos jogos de Deus SimCity, Meier considerou que esses jogos demonstraram que os videogames não precisavam ser destruídos o tempo todo. Ele trabalhou com um contrato recente, Bruce Shelley, um designer de jogos de tabuleiro da Avalon Hill. Eles criaram pela primeira vez o Railroad Tycoon em 1990, inspirado pelo trabalho de Shelleys na produção de Avalon Hills 1830, The Game of Railroads e Robber Barons, inspirado por Francis Treshams 1829. Meier tornou-se a fazer idéias sobre a combinação de conquistas globais inspiradas no risco, gestão da cidade da jogos anteriores do Empire e adicionando o conceito de uma árvore de tecnologia. Meier trabalhou para frente e para frente com Shelley para refinar este protótipo antes de apresentá-lo à empresa em total para levar a um lançamento completo, que se tornou o primeiro jogo de civilização, publicado em 1991. Um desses títulos incluiu Sid Meiers Colonization, durante o qual Meier trabalhou com outro contratado recente, Brian Reynolds, com Meier menos envolvido com a MicroProse, ele optou por dar a Reynolds o líder do desenvolvimento para criar Civilization II, a primeira sequela de qualquer dos jogos anteriores da Meiers. Stealey empurrou a MicroProse para olhar para os consoles de vídeo doméstico e jogos de arcade com base em seu software de simulador de vôo, inicialmente a MicroProse foi mantida como uma empresa separada da Spectrum Holobyte. Em 1996, a Spectrum Holobyte optou por consolidar sua marca sob o nome da MicroProse, neste momento, Meier, Reynolds e Jeff Briggs deixaram a MicroProse para encontrar Firaxis. Firaxis publicou títulos adicionais por Meier, sendo o primeiro Sid Meiers Gettysburg, sem os direitos sobre o nome da Civilização, eles produziram Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri, um jogo espacial baseado em civilização lançado em 1999 e publicado pela Electronic Arts.

2. Motor de jogo - Um mecanismo de jogo é uma estrutura de software projetada para a criação e desenvolvimento de videogames. Os desenvolvedores os usam para jogos para consoles, dispositivos móveis. O processo de desenvolvimento é muitas vezes economizado, em grande parte, reutilizando / adaptando o mesmo mecanismo de jogo para criar diferentes jogos. Em muitos casos, os motores de jogo fornecem um conjunto de ferramentas de desenvolvimento, além de componentes de software reutilizáveis. Essas ferramentas são fornecidas em um ambiente de desenvolvimento integrado para permitir simplificado. Game engine developers attempt to pre-invent the wheel by developing robust software suites which include many elements a game developer may need to build a game, most game engine suites provide facilities that ease development, such as graphics, sound, physics and AI functions. Gamebryo, JMonkey Engine and RenderWare are such widely used middleware programs, however extensibility is achieved, it remains a high priority for game engines due to the wide variety of uses for which they are applied. Some game engines only provide real-time 3D rendering capabilities instead of the range of functionality needed by games. These engines rely upon the developer to implement the rest of this functionality or assemble it from other game middleware components. These types of engines are referred to as a graphics engine, rendering engine. This terminology is used as many full-featured 3D game engines are referred to simply as 3D engines. A few examples of engines are, Crystal Space, Genesis3D, Irrlicht, OGRE, RealmForge, Truevision3D. As technology ages, the components of an engine may become outdated or insufficient for the requirements of a given project. Since the complexity of programming a new engine may result in unwanted delays. Such a framework is composed of a multitude of different components. The actual game logic has to be implemented by some algorithms and it is distinct from any rendering, sound or input work. The rendering engine generates 3D animated graphics by the chosen method, before hardware-accelerated 3D graphics, software renderers had been used. Game engines can be written in any programming language like C++, C or Java, though language is structurally different.

3. Civilization IV – Sid Meiers Civilization IV is a turn-based strategy computer game and the fourth installment of the Civilization series. It was designed by Soren Johnson under the direction of Sid Meier and it was released in North America, Europe, and Australia, between October 25 and November 4,2005. Civilization IV uses the 4X empire-building model for turn-based strategy gameplay, most standard full-length games start the player with a settler unit and/or a city unit in the year 4000 BC. A large departure from earlier Civilization games is a new graphics engine created from scratch, the game has received critical acclaim and was hailed as an exemplary product of one of the leading video game producers in the turn-based strategy genre. Civilization IV has sold 3 million copies and won multiple awards, the game can be played in multiple modes, as a single player facing against one or more computer-controlled opponents, or through online multiplayer games. As with other turn-based strategy video games, the player can customize the look, when the game starts, however, it chooses random locations to place across a predefined square grid map. Most units that the player can generate and use are military units, with attributes such as combat strength. Each unit can gain experience through combat, which translates into experience points that the player can use to assign military units new bonuses. Initially, most combat takes place on land, but further advancements in the technology tree can allow the player ships and planes with which to fight battles on sea. Any number of units can be stacked onto a space and move as a group if so assigned. Defeated units are removed from the game, and any attacking units that are able to defeat the last defending military unit on a space will move to occupy that space. If the space is occupied by a city the player may choose to occupy, other than combat, military units can also be assigned to fortify a specific space, perform sentry duties, destroy enemy city improvements, or explore the game world. Assigning inhabitants of cities to work as specialists, building certain wonders or discovering certain technologies can improve the rate at which Great People are generated, however, like other units, Great People of all kinds can be attacked and killed before the players can use them. Once a city is founded, it will automatically begin extracting resources from surrounding spaces, the game automatically allocates the spaces a city uses and how its resources are maintained as the city grows, but the player is free to manage the city directly. If the specialists are assigned to be idle, they generate the happiness resource for a city, each city can only produce one military unit or one building at a time, any additional units or buildings are placed into a queue. The player can instead specialize the city towards gathering a particular resource instead of constructing additional units or buildings, also, in order to produce some units or buildings, certain resources must be collected somewhere within the empire. There also a number of buildings throughout the game. Most notably are World Wonders, which can be accessed through research nodes in the technology tree, World Wonders provide advantages that are unique to each civilization, as they are limited to only one or two players.

4. Computing platform – Computing platform means in general sense, where any piece of software is executed. It may be the hardware or the system, even a web browser or other application. The term computing platform can refer to different abstraction levels, including a hardware architecture, an operating system. In total it can be said to be the stage on which programs can run. For example, an OS may be a platform that abstracts the underlying differences in hardware, platforms may also include, Hardware alone, in the case of small embedded systems. Embedded systems can access hardware directly, without an OS, this is referred to as running on bare metal, a browser in the case of web-based software. The browser itself runs on a platform, but this is not relevant to software running within the browser. An application, such as a spreadsheet or word processor, which hosts software written in a scripting language. This can be extended to writing fully-fledged applications with the Microsoft Office suite as a platform, software frameworks that provide ready-made functionality. Cloud computing and Platform as a Service, the social networking sites Twitter and facebook are also considered development platforms. A virtual machine such as the Java virtual machine, applications are compiled into a format similar to machine code, known as bytecode, which is then executed by the VM. A virtualized version of a system, including virtualized hardware, OS, software. These allow, for instance, a typical Windows program to run on what is physically a Mac, some architectures have multiple layers, with each layer acting as a platform to the one above it. In general, a component only has to be adapted to the layer immediately beneath it, however, the JVM, the layer beneath the application, does have to be built separately for each OS.

5. Microsoft Windows – Microsoft Windows is a metafamily of graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft. It consists of families of operating systems, each of which cater to a certain sector of the computing industry with the OS typically associated with IBM PC compatible architecture. Active Windows families include Windows NT, Windows Embedded and Windows Phone, defunct Windows families include Windows 9x, Windows 10 Mobile is an active product, unrelated to the defunct family Windows Mobile. Microsoft introduced an operating environment named Windows on November 20,1985, Microsoft Windows came to dominate the worlds personal computer market with over 90% market share, overtaking Mac OS, which had been introduced in 1984. Apple came to see Windows as an encroachment on their innovation in GUI development as implemented on products such as the Lisa. On PCs, Windows is still the most popular operating system, however, in 2017, Microsoft admitted losing the majority of the overall operating system market to Android, because of the massive growth in sales of Android smartphones. In 2017, the number of Windows devices sold was less than 25% that of Android devices sold and this comparison however may not be fully relevant, as the two operating systems traditionally target different platforms. As of September 2018, the most recent version of Windows for PCs, tablets, smartphones, the most recent versions for server computers is Windows Server 2018. A specialized version of Windows runs on the Xbox One game console, Microsoft, the developer of Windows, has registered several trademarks each of which denote a family of Windows operating systems that target a specific sector of the computing industry. It now consists of three operating system subfamilies that are released almost at the time and share the same kernel. Windows, The operating system for personal computers, tablets. The latest version is Windows 10, the main competitor of this family is macOS by Apple Inc. for personal computers and Android for mobile devices. Windows Server, The operating system for server computers, the latest version is Windows Server 2018. Unlike its clients sibling, it has adopted a strong naming scheme, the main competitor of this family is Linux. Windows PE, A lightweight version of its Windows sibling meant to operate as an operating system, used for installing Windows on bare-metal computers. The latest version is Windows PE10.0.10586.0, Windows Embedded, Initially, Microsoft developed Windows CE as a general-purpose operating system for every device that was too resource-limited to be called a full-fledged computer. The following Windows families are no longer being developed, Windows 9x, Microsoft now caters to the consumers market with Windows NT. Windows Mobile, The predecessor to Windows Phone, it was a mobile operating system.

6. Mac OS X – Within the market of desktop, laptop and home computers, and by web usage, it is the second most widely used desktop OS after Microsoft Windows. Launched in 2001 as Mac OS X, the series is the latest in the family of Macintosh operating systems, Mac OS X succeeded classic Mac OS, which was introduced in 1984, and the final release of which was Mac OS9 in 1999. An initial, early version of the system, Mac OS X Server 1.0, was released in 1999, the first desktop version, Mac OS X10.0, followed in March 2001. In 2018, Apple rebranded Mac OS X to OS X. Releases were code named after big cats from the release up until OS X10.8 Mountain Lion. Beginning in 2018 with OS X10.9 Mavericks, releases have been named after landmarks in California, in 2018, Apple rebranded OS X to macOS, adopting the nomenclature that it uses for their other operating systems, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS. The latest version of macOS is macOS10.12 Sierra, macOS is based on technologies developed at NeXT between 1985 and 1997, when Apple acquired the company. The X in Mac OS X and OS X is pronounced ten, macOS shares its Unix-based core, named Darwin, and many of its frameworks with iOS, tvOS and watchOS. A heavily modified version of Mac OS X10.4 Tiger was used for the first-generation Apple TV, Apple also used to have a separate line of releases of Mac OS X designed for servers. Beginning with Mac OS X10.7 Lion, the functions were made available as a separate package on the Mac App Store. Releases of Mac OS X from 1999 to 2005 can run only on the PowerPC-based Macs from the time period, Mac OS X10.5 Leopard was released as a Universal binary, meaning the installer disc supported both Intel and PowerPC processors. In 2009, Apple released Mac OS X10.6 Snow Leopard, in 2018, Apple released Mac OS X10.7 Lion, which no longer supported 32-bit Intel processors and also did not include Rosetta. All versions of the system released since then run exclusively on 64-bit Intel CPUs, the heritage of what would become macOS had originated at NeXT, a company founded by Steve Jobs following his departure from Apple in 1985. There, the Unix-like NeXTSTEP operating system was developed, and then launched in 1989 and its graphical user interface was built on top of an object-oriented GUI toolkit using the Objective-C programming language. This led Apple to purchase NeXT in 1996, allowing NeXTSTEP, then called OPENSTEP, previous Macintosh operating systems were named using Arabic numerals, e. g. Mac OS8 and Mac OS9. The letter X in Mac OS Xs name refers to the number 10 and it is therefore correctly pronounced ten /ˈtɛn/ in this context. However, a common mispronunciation is X /ˈɛks/, consumer releases of Mac OS X included more backward compatibility. Mac OS applications could be rewritten to run natively via the Carbon API, the consumer version of Mac OS X was launched in 2001 with Mac OS X10.0. Reviews were variable, with praise for its sophisticated, glossy Aqua interface.

7. 4X – 4X is a genre of strategy-based video and board games in which players control an empire and eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate. The term was first coined by Alan Emrich in his September 1993 preview of Master of Orion for Computer Gaming World, since then, others have adopted the term to describe games of similar scope and design. 4X computer games are noted for their deep, complex gameplay, emphasis is placed upon economic and technological development, as well as a range of non-military routes to supremacy. Games can take a time to complete since the amount of micromanagement needed to sustain an empire increases as the empire grows. 4X games are sometimes criticized for becoming tedious for these reasons, the earliest 4X games borrowed ideas from board games and 1970s text-based computer games. The first 4X computer games were turn-based, but real-time 4X games are not uncommon, many 4X computer games were published in the mid-1990s, but were later outsold by other types of strategy games. Sid Meiers Civilization is an important example from this formative era, in the new millennium, several 4X releases have become critically and commercially successful. In the board game domain, 4X is less of a genre, in part because of the practical constraints of components. The Civilization board game gave rise to Sid Meiers Civilization computer game, for instance, has no exploration. Unless extermination is targeted at non-player entities, it tends to be nearly impossible or certainly unachievable in board games. The term 4X originates from a 1993 preview of Master of Orion in Computer Gaming World by Alan Emrich, the four Xs were an abbreviation for EXplore, EXpand, EXploit and EXterminate. Other game commentators adopted the 4X label to describe a genre with specific gameplay conventions. This information gathering binds resources, applies, the players must choose when to invest how many resources into exploration. Usually the game map contains all relevant elements of play, such as production facilities, special resources. Revealing their type and location is vital to be able to plan ahead, in case the game implements the fog of war-concept, it is not enough to explore the map, but players must also observe it. E. g. the game of chess absolutely lacks the element of concealment. Does this make chess less complex, expand means players must increase their potential to generate production points and/or research points and/or maintenance points. Players do this by investing their available resources into population growth or production facilities or research facilities, again the players must choose when to invest how much into what.

8. Multiplayer game – A multiplayer game has several players, who may be independent opponents or teams. Games with many independent players are difficult to analyse formally using game theory as the players may form coalitions, the term game in this context may mean either a true game played for entertainment, or a competitive activity describable in principle by mathematical game theory. John Nash proved that games with several players have a solution provided that coalitions between players are not allowed. He won the Nobel prize for economics for this important result which extended von Neumanns theory of zero-sum games, such a stable strategy is called a Nash equilibrium. If cooperation between players is allowed, then the game is more complex, many concepts have been developed to analyze such games. While these have had partial success in the fields of economics, politics and conflict. In quantum game theory, it has found that the introduction of quantum information into multiplayer games allows a new type of equilibrium strategy which is not found in traditional games. The entanglement of playerss choices can have the effect of a contract by preventing players from profiting from betrayal, board games – A played on a game board with set rules.

9. 2005 in video gaming – 2005 has seen many sequels and prequels in video games and several new titles such as Brothers in Arms, Road to Hill 30, F. E. A. R. The increase is due to the portable game market which counterbalanced sluggish console game sales. Delays, hardware shortages, and anticipation of next-generation video game consoles have been cited as reasoning for slow sales for both games and console hardware. Console games and hardware dropped by 12% and 3% respectively, the portable market of the video game industry rose to $1.4 billion, the second time sales broke the $1 billion mark in the industrys history. Mostly due to the release of the Nintendo DS and the PlayStation Portable in North America, computer games continued its trend and declined by 14%, dropping from $1.1 billion in 2004 to $953 million. Although sales did decrease, NPD claims that playing games on the PC is actually increasing through a variety of different mediums including online websites, the Xbox 360 was released in North America on November 22, Europe on December 2, and Japan on December 10. Game Boy Advance SP Nintendo DS PlayStation Portable Additionally, the Game Boy Micro was unveiled and was released in the fall of 2005.

10. Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword – Sid Meiers Civilization IV, Beyond the Sword is the second official expansion pack of the turn-based strategy video game Civilization IV. Beyond the Sword offers several new features, Corporations, A new gameplay feature, similar to the feature, allows players to create corporations. Each corporation provides benefits in exchange for certain resources, espionage, Now available much earlier in the game, this expanded feature offers players many new ways to spy on opponents, stir citizen unrest and defend their government’s secrets. Random Events, New random events such as natural disasters, pleas for help, random events can also be beneficial, such as scientific breakthroughs or incidents that improve relations with a neighbor. Advanced Starts, When starting the game in any era, this new option allows the player to purchase components for an already-developed nation, expanded Space Victory, Obtaining a space victory is now more difficult and requires more strategy and decision-making than before. Expanded Diplomatic Victory, It is now possible to achieve diplomatic victories much earlier in the game, New Game Options, Beyond the Sword offers various new game options, like new world-types and the option to play any leader-civilization combination. Corporations become available with discovery of the Corporation technology, each Corporation consumes specific resources, and supplies alternative resources or benefits in return. The more instances of resources they consume, the food, production, commerce. Players can block foreign corporations operating in their cities by adopting the Mercantilism civic. Espionages importance in Civilization IV has been raised to compare with that of research, culture. The new espionage slider allows the player to part of their income towards espionage activities against other civilizations. Once the player has reached certain thresholds of espionage investment, the player starts gaining some automatic intelligence benefits over rival civilizations, the player can also send Spy units into foreign territory to gather further intelligence and to perform various missions of destruction and propaganda. Their role is a bit different, because spies are now invisible to all units, Great Spies are born in cities, like other Great Persons, and can perform typical functions like serving as a Specialist, starting a Golden Age, or building a unique building. Their special function allows them to infiltrate enemy cities, giving the player significant advantage in espionage against that civilization, the act of catching opposing AI controlled spies will devastate your diplomatic relations with those players forcing you into a negative relationship that you cannot recover from. Together these new events give each game a unique flavor. In addition, each game players the opportunity for rewards through the completion of special events in the form of missions. Advanced Starts are a pre-game setup phase players use to purchase cities, improvements, buildings, technologies and it works in both single-player and multi-player. The player decides what to purchase and where to place it, when everyone is done, the game starts with players controlling relatively balanced, advanced empires with a working infrastructure.

11. Civilization II – Sid Meiers Civilization II is a turn-based strategy video game developed and published by MicroProse. It was first released in 1996 for the PC and later ported to the Sony PlayStation, in 2002, Atari re-released the game for newer operating systems, such as Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Civilization II is similar to the first Civilization, with changes to the various units, civilizations, world wonders, tile specials. The graphics were changed from a view to an isometric representation. The AI was improved as well, including the elimination of most random events by now making the player go through the same production requirements as the human player. The game features entirely new concepts, such as firepower and hit points, for instance, engineers and settlers can be automated to improve surrounding areas, but do not ignore enemy zones of control. Damaged units can now retreat to cities, where their hit points are restored, some new units are added such as stealth aircraft. The player has the ability to consult the High Council for advice, the council consists of film clips of actors portraying advisors in the areas of the military, economics, diplomacy, technological progress, and the peoples happiness. They often argue with and insult one another, as each advisors department demands a different set of priorities, the counselors costumes change with each new era. There are two paths to victory in game, to be the last civilization remaining or to build a spaceship. The space race can be more difficult because there are a limited number of turns in the game. If the spaceship does not reach Alpha Centauri by then, the game will end with the current score. The player can continue playing after all civilizations have been conquered, the spaceship has reached its destination, or the year 2020, the sooner a player conquers every other civilization, or the space ship arrives, the higher the players score will be. This allows a player to play the game endlessly, the scoring system measures the players performance in the end of each game. Population is an influence on scoring as each happy citizen contributes two points, each content citizen contributes one point, and each unhappy citizen contributes zero points. This means that higher population yields better scores, additionally, each wonder of the world owned by the player will also add 20 points to their score. Each square with pollution deducts ten points, the final score will also give a civilization percentage, based on the difficulty level the game was played at. The higher this percentage is, the better, finally, a title will be given to the player.

12. Civilization III – Sid Meiers Civilization III, commonly shortened to Civ III or Civ 3, is the third installment of the Sid Meiers Civilization turn-based strategy video game series. It was preceded by Civilization II and followed by Civilization IV, the game offers very sophisticated game play in terms of both mechanics and strategy. Unlike the original game, Civ III was not designed by Sid Meier, but by Jeff Briggs, a designer, and Soren Johnson. Civilization III, like the other Civilization games, entails building an empire, from the ground up, beginning in 4,000 BC and continuing slightly beyond the modern day. The player must balance a good infrastructure, resources, diplomatic and trading skills, technological advancement, city and empire management, culture, the game map is made up of square tiles on a grid. Cities must be built a minimum of two away from each other. Each tile is made of a type of terrain that determines, among other things, how much food, production. Food is used to grow the players cities, each population unit requires food to survive, and excess food is stored. Larger the population of the civilization, the larger the food storage, production, represented in the game as shields, is used to build units, buildings, and wonders. This commerce is split up as the player sees fit between technological research, tax revenue, and luxuries, each with a different purpose, each citys citizens have a certain mood. If most citizens are unhappy, the city falls into civil disorder and all production ceases, if a city remains in civil disorder for too long, if most citizens are happy, they will like their leader and increase economic benefits. Terrain improvements are built by Worker units, irrigation increases food, mines increase production, and roads increase commerce and reduce movement costs for all allied land units using them. Two civilizations must have Right of passage treaty signed to benefit from each others roads, buildings enhance a city in some way and cost maintenance. Like units and Wonders, each one can only be built when the technology has been acquired. Buildings require financial maintenance each turn, and can be destroyed, only one of each type of building can be constructed in each city. As in previous installments of Civilization, there are unique Wonders of the World that can only be built once per game, Wonders provide a variety of major benefits to a specific city, all cities on a continent or to an entire empire. Civilization III also added Small Wonders, Small Wonders have, for the most part, a sociological requirement to construct them, as well as a technological requirement. When a civilization captures a city with a Small Wonder, it is automatically destroyed, some examples of small wonders are Wall Street, the Forbidden Palace and The Pentagon.

13. Firaxis Games – Firaxis Games, Inc. is an American video game developer founded in 1996 by Sid Meier, Jeff Briggs, and Brian Reynolds upon leaving MicroProse. Now a wholly owned subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive, the company is best known for its Civilization series of games, Firaxis is based in Sparks, Maryland, Sid Meier continues to lead creative efforts there. Since 1997, Firaxis has released several PC games, including Sid Meiers Gettysburg. based on their namesake famous American Civil War battles, and Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri, a space colonization game taking place in the Alpha Centauri star system. In early 2000, co-founder Brian Reynolds parted with Firaxis to form his new studio, Firaxis Games then went on to release Sid Meiers SimGolf, a golf course building/management game. Perhaps their most popular releases have been Civilization III, and later Civilization IV, in November 2004, Firaxis released Sid Meiers Pirates. A remake of Meiers classic 1987 game of the same name, an Xbox version of the game was released in 2005 and a PSP version was released in 2007. Civilization IV started production in late 2003 and was released in 2005, Civilization Revolution, a console-only version of their popular Civilization series, was released in 2008. On November 7,2005, Take-Two Interactive announced that it was acquiring Firaxis, the company was consolidated with PopTop Software in March 2006, the resultant combined studio to be headed up by Sid Meier. Jeff Briggs assumed the role of Chairman in April 2006 and left the company completely in November, in April 2007, Soren Johnson left the company and joined Electronic Arts to work on Spore with Lead Designer Will Wright. Johnson was formerly a key person for Firaxis, acting as co-designer for Civilization III, in September 2009, the studio moved a few miles, from Hunt Valley, Maryland to Sparks, Maryland. Firaxis titles are prefixed with Sid Meiers name, a practice continued from Meiers earlier games at Microprose. Official website Firaxis Games profile at MobyGames.

14. Civilization IV: Warlords – Sid Meiers Civilization IV, Warlords is the first official expansion pack of the critically acclaimed turn-based strategy video game Civilization IV. Warlords added many new features to the original game and these include, A new category of Great People known as Great Generals. The ability to institute vassal states, six new civilizations playable in single-player and multiplayer. Inclusion of all released for original Civilization IV. The game introduces a new type of Great Person unit, known as a Great General, in addition, the civilization that acquires the Fascism technology first receives a free Great General. In all normal games and most scenarios, a destroyed Warlord unit is lost permanently. However, in the Alexander and Genghis Khan scenarios, the characters serve as Great Generals. The new Vassal States feature allows players to take up other empires as vassals, players can use Vassal States to achieve a Domination Victory, since half the vassals land and population count towards a domination victory for the master, but not vice versa. Similarly, if the master goes to war with another civilization, however, other countries opinions of you will worsen if you have a vassal they dislike. The vassal may still reject trades for gold and technologies, during peacetime, civilizations can offer their vassalage in return for protection from an enemy, but it may be ended if the states relative land and population statistics change. Vassal agreements signed in a state of war, as part of a peace treaty, are considered capitulation. The agreement is terminated, however, if the vassal acquires 50% more land area than the master or the vassal loses half of the land it held when the agreement was signed, the only way a master can terminate the agreement is if the vassal refuses to pay tribute. The master can then choose to declare war, in order to make the civilizations more distinctive, every civilization has received a Unique Building. These unique buildings replace the buildings, and grant special advantages. New civilizations include Carthage, the Celts, Korea, the Ottoman Empire, the Vikings, four new leaders are introduced for existing civilizations. Three new leader traits are introduced, and many existing leader traits have been changed, the new opening theme is a Lebanese love song entitled Al Nadda. The expansion received generally positive reviews.

15. Fork (software development) – The term often implies not merely a development branch, but also a split in the developer community, a form of schism. Free and open-source software is that which, by definition, may be forked from the development team without prior permission without violating copyright law. However, licensed forks of proprietary software also happen, the word fork stems from the Latin word furca, meaning a fork or similarly shaped instrument. Fork in the meaning of to divide in branches, go separate ways has been used as early as the 14th century. In the software environment, the word evokes the fork system call, however, fork was in use in the present sense by 1995 to describe the XEmacs split, and was an understood usage in the GNU Project by 1996. Thus, there is a penalty associated with forking. The relationship between the different teams can be cordial or very bitter and he notes in the Jargon File, David A. Wheeler notes four possible outcomes of a fork, with examples, The death of the fork. This is by far the most common case and it is easy to declare a fork, but considerable effort to continue independent development and support. With a DVCS such as Mercurial or Git, the way to contribute to a project is to first branch the repository. Forks often restart version numbering from 0.1 or 1.0 even if the software was at version 3.0,4.0. An exception is when the software is designed to be a drop-in replacement for the original project. In proprietary software, the copyright is held by the employing entity. This is almost always an economic decision to generate a greater market share, a notable proprietary fork not of this kind is the many varieties of proprietary Unix—almost all derived from AT&T Unix under license and all called Unix, but increasingly mutually incompatible. The BSD licenses permit forks to become proprietary software, and some say that commercial incentives thus make proprietisation almost inevitable, examples include macOS, Cedega and CrossOver, EnterpriseDB, Supported PostgreSQL with their proprietary ESM storage system, and Netezzas proprietary highly scalable derivative of PostgreSQL. Some of these vendors contribute back changes to the community project, while some keep their changes as their own competitive advantages.

16. Vanilla (software) – Vanilla software has become a widespread de facto industry standard, widely used by businesses and individuals. The term comes from the standard flavor of ice cream. According to Eric S. Raymonds The New Hackers Dictionary, vanilla means more default than ordinary, the term vanilla is sometimes also used for hardware components. For instance, in the 1990s non-upgraded Amiga home computers were called vanilla, similarly, for Unix-based kernels, a vanilla kernel refers to a kernel that has been unmodified by any third-party source. For instance, the vanilla Linux kernel is given a Linux distribution–specific flavour by being heavily modified. In PC games, the vanilla is often used to describe the original version of a game. It can also refer to the game engine when source ports or expansion packs are available. For example, World of Warcraft could refer to either the game or one of the expansion packs. In his book End of Ignorance, Charles Winborne refers to a page that is ″only a text file. Commercial off-the-shelf Out of the box Plain vanilla Turnkey.

17. Operation Sea Lion – Operation Sea Lion was Nazi Germanys code name for the plan for an invasion of the United Kingdom during the Battle of Britain in the Second World War. A large number of barges were gathered together on the Channel coast, Adolf Hitler hoped for a negotiated peace with the UK, and made no preparations for amphibious assault on Britain until the Fall of France. At the time, the forces with experience of, or modern equipment for naval landings were the Japanese. In September 1939, the German invasion of Poland was a success, on 9 October, Hitlers Directive No. Reinicke spent five days on this study and set forth the following prerequisites, Eliminating or sealing off Royal Navy forces from the landing, destroying all Royal Navy units in the coastal zone. Preventing British submarine action against the landing fleet, the OKW considered the options and Hitlers 29 November Directive No. This directive remained in force in the first phase of the Battle of Britain, in December 1939, the German Army issued its own study paper and solicited opinions and input from both the Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe. The paper outlined an assault on Englands eastern coast between The Wash and the River Thames by troops crossing the North Sea from ports in the Low Countries. The Kriegsmarine response was focused on pointing out the difficulties to be surmounted if invading England was to be a viable option. It could not envisage taking on the Royal Navy Home Fleet, Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring, head of the Luftwaffe, responded with a single-page letter in which he stated, combined operation having the objective of landing in England must be rejected. It could only be the act of an already victorious war against Britain as otherwise the preconditions for success of a combined operation would not be met. Germanys swift and successful occupation of France and the Low Countries gained control of the Channel coast, on 21 May 1940 Raeder met Hitler and raised the topic of invasion, but warned of the risks and expressed a preference for blockade by air, submarines and surface raiders. British parliamentarians still arguing for peace negotiations were defeated in the May 1940 War Cabinet Crisis, in a report presented on 30 June, the OKW Chief of Staff Alfred Jodl reviewed options to increase pressure on Britain to agree to a negotiated peace. The first priority was to eliminate the Royal Air Force and gain air supremacy, Intensified air attacks against shipping and the economy could affect food supplies and civilian morale in the long term. Reprisal attacks of terror bombing had the potential to cause quicker capitulation, at a meeting that day, OKW Chief of Staff General Franz Halder heard from Secretary of State Ernst von Weizsäcker that Hitler had turned his attention to Russia. On 1 July Halder met Admiral Otto Schniewind, and they shared views without understanding each others position, both thought that air superiority was needed first, and could make the invasion unnecessary. They agreed that minefields and U-boats could limit the threat posed by the Royal Navy, a Luftwaffe report presented to the OKW at a meeting on 11 July said that it would take 14 to 28 days to achieve air superiority. The meeting also heard that England was discussing an agreement with Russia, Hitler agreed with him that invasion would be a last resort.

18. Earth – Earth, otherwise known as the World, or the Globe, is the third planet from the Sun and the only object in the Universe known to harbor life. It is the densest planet in the Solar System and the largest of the four terrestrial planets, according to radiometric dating and other sources of evidence, Earth formed about 4.54 billion years ago. Earths gravity interacts with objects in space, especially the Sun. During one orbit around the Sun, Earth rotates about its axis over 365 times, thus, Earths axis of rotation is tilted, producing seasonal variations on the planets surface. The gravitational interaction between the Earth and Moon causes ocean tides, stabilizes the Earths orientation on its axis, Earths lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. About 71% of Earths surface is covered with water, mostly by its oceans, the remaining 29% is land consisting of continents and islands that together have many lakes, rivers and other sources of water that contribute to the hydrosphere. The majority of Earths polar regions are covered in ice, including the Antarctic ice sheet, Earths interior remains active with a solid iron inner core, a liquid outer core that generates the Earths magnetic field, and a convecting mantle that drives plate tectonics. Within the first billion years of Earths history, life appeared in the oceans and began to affect the Earths atmosphere and surface, some geological evidence indicates that life may have arisen as much as 4.1 billion years ago. Since then, the combination of Earths distance from the Sun, physical properties, in the history of the Earth, biodiversity has gone through long periods of expansion, occasionally punctuated by mass extinction events. Over 99% of all species that lived on Earth are extinct. Estimates of the number of species on Earth today vary widely, over 7.4 billion humans live on Earth and depend on its biosphere and minerals for their survival. Humans have developed diverse societies and cultures, politically, the world has about 200 sovereign states, the modern English word Earth developed from a wide variety of Middle English forms, which derived from an Old English noun most often spelled eorðe. It has cognates in every Germanic language, and their proto-Germanic root has been reconstructed as *erþō, originally, earth was written in lowercase, and from early Middle English, its definite sense as the globe was expressed as the earth. By early Modern English, many nouns were capitalized, and the became the Earth. More recently, the name is simply given as Earth. House styles now vary, Oxford spelling recognizes the lowercase form as the most common, another convention capitalizes Earth when appearing as a name but writes it in lowercase when preceded by the. It almost always appears in lowercase in colloquial expressions such as what on earth are you doing, the oldest material found in the Solar System is dated to 4. 5672±0.0006 billion years ago. By 4. 54±0.04 Gya the primordial Earth had formed, the formation and evolution of Solar System bodies occurred along with the Sun.

19. Roman Empire – Civil wars and executions continued, culminating in the victory of Octavian, Caesars adopted son, over Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC and the annexation of Egypt. Octavians power was then unassailable and in 27 BC the Roman Senate formally granted him overarching power, the imperial period of Rome lasted approximately 1,500 years compared to the 500 years of the Republican era. The first two centuries of the empires existence were a period of unprecedented political stability and prosperity known as the Pax Romana, following Octavians victory, the size of the empire was dramatically increased. After the assassination of Caligula in 41, the senate briefly considered restoring the republic, under Claudius, the empire invaded Britannia, its first major expansion since Augustus. Vespasian emerged triumphant in 69, establishing the Flavian dynasty, before being succeeded by his son Titus and his short reign was followed by the long reign of his brother Domitian, who was eventually assassinated. The senate then appointed the first of the Five Good Emperors, the empire reached its greatest extent under Trajan, the second in this line. A period of increasing trouble and decline began with the reign of Commodus, Commodus assassination in 192 triggered the Year of the Five Emperors, of which Septimius Severus emerged victorious. The assassination of Alexander Severus in 235 led to the Crisis of the Third Century in which 26 men were declared emperor by the Roman Senate over a time span. It was not until the reign of Diocletian that the empire was fully stabilized with the introduction of the Tetrarchy, which saw four emperors rule the empire at once. This arrangement was unsuccessful, leading to a civil war that was finally ended by Constantine I. Constantine subsequently shifted the capital to Byzantium, which was renamed Constantinople in his honour and it remained the capital of the east until its demise. Constantine also adopted Christianity which later became the state religion of the empire. However, Augustulus was never recognized by his Eastern colleague, and separate rule in the Western part of the empire ceased to exist upon the death of Julius Nepos. The Eastern Roman Empire endured for another millennium, eventually falling to the Ottoman Turks in 1453, the Roman Empire was among the most powerful economic, cultural, political and military forces in the world of its time. It was one of the largest empires in world history, at its height under Trajan, it covered 5 million square kilometres. It held sway over an estimated 70 million people, at that time 21% of the entire population. Throughout the European medieval period, attempts were made to establish successors to the Roman Empire, including the Empire of Romania, a Crusader state. Rome had begun expanding shortly after the founding of the republic in the 6th century BC, then, it was an empire long before it had an emperor.

20. Nuclear war – Nuclear warfare is a military conflict or political strategy in which nuclear weaponry is used to inflict damage on the enemy. In contrast to conventional warfare, nuclear warfare can produce destruction in a much shorter time-frame, some activists had claimed in the 1980s that with this potential nuclear winter side-effect of a nuclear war, almost every human on Earth could starve to death. So far, two nuclear weapons have been used in the course of warfare, both by the United States near the end of World War II, on August 6,1945, a uranium gun-type device was detonated over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later, on August 9, a plutonium device was detonated over the Japanese city of Nagasaki. These two bombings resulted in the deaths of approximately 120,000 people, in 1974, India, and in 1998, Pakistan, two countries that were openly hostile toward each other, developed nuclear weapons. Israel and North Korea are also thought to have developed stocks of nuclear weapons, the Israeli government has never admitted to having nuclear weapons, although it is known to have constructed the reactor and reprocessing plant necessary for building nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons have been detonated on over 2,000 occasions for testing purposes, after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the resultant end of the Cold War, the threat of a major nuclear war between the two nuclear superpowers was generally thought to have declined. Since then, concern over nuclear weapons has shifted to the prevention of localized nuclear conflicts resulting from nuclear proliferation, the possibility of using nuclear weapons in war is usually divided into two subgroups, each with different effects and potentially fought with different types of nuclear armaments. The first, a nuclear war, refers to a small-scale use of nuclear weapons by two belligerents. This term could apply to any use of nuclear weapons that may involve military or civilian targets. The second, a nuclear war, could consist of large numbers of nuclear weapons used in an attack aimed at an entire country, including military, economic. Such an attack would almost certainly destroy the economic, social, and military infrastructure of the target nation. Some Cold War strategists such as Henry Kissinger argued that a nuclear war could be possible between two heavily armed superpowers. Some predict, however, that a war could potentially escalate into a full-scale nuclear war. Even the most optimistic predictions of the effects of a nuclear exchange foresee the death of many millions of victims within a very short period of time. However, such predictions, assuming total war with nuclear arsenals at Cold War highs, have not been without criticism. The authors of the study estimated that as much as five tons of soot could be released, producing a cooling of several degrees over large areas of North America. The cooling would last for years and could be catastrophic, according to the researchers, either a limited or full-scale nuclear exchange could occur during an accidental nuclear war, in which the use of nuclear weapons is triggered unintentionally.

21. Arabia – The Arabian Peninsula, simplified Arabia is a peninsula of Western Asia situated northeast of Africa on the Arabian plate. From a geological perspective, it is considered a subcontinent of Asia and it is the largest peninsula in the world, at 3,237,500 km2. The Arabian Peninsula consists of the countries Yemen, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the Arabian Peninsula plays a critical geopolitical role in the Middle East and the Arab world due to its vast reserves of oil and natural gas. Before the modern era, it was divided into four regions, Hejaz, Najd, Southern Arabia. Hejaz and Najd make up most of Saudi Arabia, Southern Arabia consists of Yemen and some parts of Saudi Arabia and Oman. Eastern Arabia consists of the coastal strip of the Persian Gulf. The most prominent feature of the peninsula is desert, but in the southwest there are mountain ranges, harrat ash Shaam is a large volcanic field that extends from the northwestern Arabian Peninsula into Jordan and southern Syria. The peninsulas constituent countries are Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the island nation of Bahrain lies off the east coast of the peninsula. Six countries form the Gulf Cooperation Council, however, this is a disputed term. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia covers the part of the peninsula. The majority of the population of the live in Saudi Arabia. The peninsula contains the worlds largest reserves of oil, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are economically the wealthiest in the region. Qatar, a peninsula in the Persian Gulf on the larger peninsula, is home of the Arabic-language television station Al Jazeera. Kuwait, on the border with Iraq, is an important country strategically, though historically lightly populated, political Arabia is noted for a high population growth rate - as the result of both very strong inflows of migrant labor as well as sustained high birth rates. The population tends to be young and heavily skewed gender ratio dominated by males. In many states, the number of South Asians exceeds that of the local citizenry, the four smallest states, which have their entire coastlines on the Persian Gulf, exhibit the worlds most extreme population growth, roughly tripling every 20 years. In 2017, the population of the Arabian Peninsula was 77,983,936. Listed here are the human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups in Arabia Haplogroup J is the most abundant component in the Arabian peninsula and its two main subclades, show opposite latitudinal gradients in the Middle East.

22. Persia – Iran, also known as Persia, officially the Islamic Republic of Iran, is a sovereign state in Western Asia. Comprising a land area of 1,648,195 km2, it is the second-largest country in the Middle East, with 82.8 million inhabitants, Iran is the worlds 17th-most-populous country. It is the country with both a Caspian Sea and an Indian Ocean coastline. The countrys central location in Eurasia and Western Asia, and its proximity to the Strait of Hormuz, Tehran is the countrys capital and largest city, as well as its leading economic and cultural center. Iran is the site of to one of the worlds oldest civilizations, the area was first unified by the Iranian Medes in 625 BC, who became the dominant cultural and political power in the region. The empire collapsed in 330 BC following the conquests of Alexander the Great, under the Sassanid Dynasty, Iran again became one of the leading powers in the world for the next four centuries. Beginning in 633 AD, Arabs conquered Iran and largely displaced the indigenous faiths of Manichaeism and Zoroastrianism by Islam, Iran became a major contributor to the Islamic Golden Age that followed, producing many influential scientists, scholars, artists, and thinkers. During the 18th century, Iran reached its greatest territorial extent since the Sassanid Empire, through the late 18th and 19th centuries, a series of conflicts with Russia led to significant territorial losses and the erosion of sovereignty. Popular unrest culminated in the Persian Constitutional Revolution of 1906, which established a monarchy and the countrys first legislative body. Following a coup instigated by the U. K. Growing dissent against foreign influence and political repression led to the 1979 Revolution, Irans rich cultural legacy is reflected in part by its 21 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the third-largest number in Asia and 11th-largest in the world. Iran is a member of the UN, ECO, NAM, OIC. Its political system is based on the 1979 Constitution which combines elements of a democracy with a theocracy governed by Islamic jurists under the concept of a Supreme Leadership. A multicultural country comprising numerous ethnic and linguistic groups, most inhabitants are Shia Muslims, the largest ethnic groups in Iran are the Persians, Azeris, Kurds and Lurs. Historically, Iran has been referred to as Persia by the West, due mainly to the writings of Greek historians who called Iran Persis, meaning land of the Persians. As the most extensive interactions the Ancient Greeks had with any outsider was with the Persians, however, Persis was originally referred to a region settled by Persians in the west shore of Lake Urmia, in the 9th century BC. The settlement was then shifted to the end of the Zagros Mountains. In 1935, Reza Shah requested the international community to refer to the country by its native name, opposition to the name change led to the reversal of the decision, and Professor Ehsan Yarshater, editor of Encyclopædia Iranica, propagated a move to use Persia and Iran interchangeably.

23. Russia – Russia, also officially the Russian Federation, is a country in Eurasia. The European western part of the country is more populated and urbanised than the eastern. Russias capital Moscow is one of the largest cities in the world, other urban centers include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod. Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe, Russia spans eleven time zones and incorporates a range of environments. It shares maritime borders with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk, the East Slavs emerged as a recognizable group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian warrior elite and their descendants, in 988 it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Rus ultimately disintegrated into a number of states, most of the Rus lands were overrun by the Mongol invasion. The Soviet Union played a role in the Allied victory in World War II. The Soviet era saw some of the most significant technological achievements of the 20th century, including the worlds first human-made satellite and the launching of the first humans in space. By the end of 1990, the Soviet Union had the second largest economy, largest standing military in the world. It is governed as a federal semi-presidential republic, the Russian economy ranks as the twelfth largest by nominal GDP and sixth largest by purchasing power parity in 2018. Russias extensive mineral and energy resources are the largest such reserves in the world, making it one of the producers of oil. The country is one of the five recognized nuclear weapons states and possesses the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction, Russia is a great power as well as a regional power and has been characterised as a potential superpower. The name Russia is derived from Rus, a state populated mostly by the East Slavs. However, this name became more prominent in the later history, and the country typically was called by its inhabitants Русская Земля. In order to distinguish this state from other states derived from it, it is denoted as Kievan Rus by modern historiography, an old Latin version of the name Rus was Ruthenia, mostly applied to the western and southern regions of Rus that were adjacent to Catholic Europe. The current name of the country, Россия, comes from the Byzantine Greek designation of the Kievan Rus, the standard way to refer to citizens of Russia is Russians in English and rossiyane in Russian. There are two Russian words which are translated into English as Russians.

24. World War III – World War III and Third World War are names given to a hypothetical third worldwide military conflict subsequent to World War I and World War II. The term has been in use since the end of World War II, during the inter-war period between the two World Wars, WW I was typically referred to simply as The Great War and was almost never referred to as the First World War. Unfortunately, in 1939 the outbreak of World War II disproved the hope that mankind might have outgrown the need for such widespread global wars. With the advent of the Cold War in 1947 and with the spread of nuclear technology to the Soviet Union. During the Cold War years the possibility of a Third World War was anticipated and planned for by military, scenarios ranged from conventional warfare to limited or total nuclear warfare. At the height of the Cold War, in a referred to as MAD. The spectre of the potential of the destruction of the human race may have contributed to the ability of both American and Soviet leaders to avoid such a scenario. The Cold War ended in 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed, with the end of the Cold War, it was believed that the likelihood of a fully unrestricted nuclear confrontation between two superpowers was significantly diminished. Military planners have been war gaming various scenarios, preparing for the worst, some of those plans are now out of date and have been partially or fully declassified. In April–May 1945, British Armed Forces developed Operation Unthinkable, thought to be the first scenario of the Third World War and its primary goal was to impose upon Russia the will of the United States and the British Empire. The plan was rejected by the British Chiefs of Staff Committee as militarily unfeasible, Operation Dropshot was the 1950s United States contingency plan for a possible nuclear and conventional war with the Soviet Union in the Western European and Asian theaters. At the time the US nuclear arsenal was limited in size, based mostly in the United States, between 75 and 100 of the 300 nuclear weapons were targeted to destroy Soviet combat aircraft on the ground. The scenario was devised prior to the development of ballistic missiles. It was also devised before Robert McNamara and President Kennedy changed the US Nuclear War plan from the city killing countervalue strike plan to counterforce, in January 1950, the North Atlantic Council approved NATOs military strategy of containment. Allied Command Europe was established under General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower, US Army, the Western Union Defence Organization had previously carried out Exercise Verity, a 1949 multilateral exercise involving naval air strikes and submarine attacks. Exercise Mainbrace brought together 200 ships and over 50,000 personnel to practice the defence of Denmark and it was the first major NATO exercise. The exercise was jointly commanded by Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic Admiral Lynde D. McCormick, USN, ridgeway, US Army, during the Fall of 1952. The US, UK, Canada, France, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Netherlands, exercises Grand Slam and Longstep were naval exercises held in the Mediterranean Sea during 1952 to practice dislodging an enemy occupying force and amphibious assault.

25. Egypt – Egypt, officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, is a transcontinental country spanning the northeast corner of Africa and southwest corner of Asia by a land bridge formed by the Sinai Peninsula. Egypt is a Mediterranean country bordered by the Gaza Strip and Israel to the northeast, the Gulf of Aqaba to the east, the Red Sea to the east and south, Sudan to the south, and Libya to the west. Across the Gulf of Aqaba lies Jordan, and across from the Sinai Peninsula lies Saudi Arabia, although Jordan and it is the worlds only contiguous Afrasian nation. Egypt has among the longest histories of any country, emerging as one of the worlds first nation states in the tenth millennium BC. Considered a cradle of civilisation, Ancient Egypt experienced some of the earliest developments of writing, agriculture, urbanisation, organised religion and central government. One of the earliest centres of Christianity, Egypt was Islamised in the century and remains a predominantly Muslim country. With over 92 million inhabitants, Egypt is the most populous country in North Africa and the Arab world, the third-most populous in Africa, and the fifteenth-most populous in the world. The great majority of its people live near the banks of the Nile River, an area of about 40,000 square kilometres, the large regions of the Sahara desert, which constitute most of Egypts territory, are sparsely inhabited. About half of Egypts residents live in areas, with most spread across the densely populated centres of greater Cairo, Alexandria. Modern Egypt is considered to be a regional and middle power, with significant cultural, political, and military influence in North Africa, the Middle East and the Muslim world. Egypts economy is one of the largest and most diversified in the Middle East, Egypt is a member of the United Nations, Non-Aligned Movement, Arab League, African Union, and Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. Miṣr is the Classical Quranic Arabic and modern name of Egypt. The name is of Semitic origin, directly cognate with other Semitic words for Egypt such as the Hebrew מִצְרַיִם‎, the oldest attestation of this name for Egypt is the Akkadian.

26. Nuclear weapon – A nuclear weapon is an explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions, either fission or a combination of fission and fusion. Both reactions release vast quantities of energy from small amounts of matter. The first test of a bomb released the same amount of energy as approximately 20,000 tons of TNT. The first thermonuclear bomb test released the same amount of energy as approximately 10 million tons of TNT, a thermonuclear weapon weighing little more than 2,400 pounds can produce an explosive force comparable to the detonation of more than 1.2 million tons of TNT. A nuclear device no larger than traditional bombs can devastate a city by blast, fire. Nuclear weapons are considered weapons of destruction, and their use. Nuclear weapons have been used twice in nuclear warfare, both times by the United States against Japan near the end of World War II, the bombings resulted in the deaths of approximately 200,000 civilians and military personnel from acute injuries sustained from the explosions. The ethics of the bombings and their role in Japans surrender remain the subject of scholarly, since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, nuclear weapons have been detonated on over two thousand occasions for the purposes of testing and demonstration. Only a few nations possess such weapons or are suspected of seeking them, israel is also believed to possess nuclear weapons, though in a policy of deliberate ambiguity, it does not acknowledge having them. Germany, Italy, Turkey, Belgium and the Netherlands are nuclear weapons sharing states, south Africa is the only country to have independently developed and then renounced and dismantled its nuclear weapons. Modernisation of weapons continues to occur, all existing nuclear weapons derive some of their explosive energy from nuclear fission reactions. Weapons whose explosive output is exclusively from fission reactions are commonly referred to as bombs or atom bombs. This has long noted as something of a misnomer, as their energy comes from the nucleus of the atom. The latter approach is considered more sophisticated than the former and only the approach can be used if the fissile material is plutonium. A major challenge in all nuclear weapon designs is to ensure that a significant fraction of the fuel is consumed before the weapon destroys itself. The amount of energy released by fission bombs can range from the equivalent of just under a ton to upwards of 500,000 tons of TNT, all fission reactions necessarily generate fission products, the radioactive remains of the atomic nuclei split by the fission reactions. Many fission products are highly radioactive or moderately radioactive. Fission products are the radioactive component of nuclear fallout.

27. General Winter – Russian Winter, General Winter, General Frost, or General Snow refers to the winter climate of Russia as a contributing factor to the military failures of several invasions of Russia. He notes that Napoleons army was already suffering significant attrition before winter, owing to lack of supplies, disease, desertions, likewise, Hitlers Wehrmacht had already suffered 734,000 in casualties and was running low on supplies in November of 1941, before the arrival of winter. In the Great Northern War, Charles XII of Sweden invaded Russia in 1707, the Russians retreated, adopting a scorched-earth policy. This winter was the most brutal of the 18th century, so severe that the seaport of Venice froze, Charles 35,000 troops were crippled, and by spring only 19,000 were left. The Battle of Poltava in late June 1709 sealed the end of the Swedish Empire, Napoleons Grande Armée of 610,000 men invaded Russia, heading towards Moscow, in the beginning of summer on 24 June 1812. The Russian army retreated before the French and again burnt their crops and villages, Napoleons army was ultimately reduced to 100,000. His army suffered further, even more losses on the retreat from Moscow. The French blamed the weather for their defeat, and as early as in 1835 Denis Davydov published a military-historical article, where he demonstrated that the French suffered casualties in battles during relatively mild weather and listed actual reasons. He used not only his own observations as arguments, but foreign opinions as well and this decrease was partly due to garrisoning supply centres, but disease, desertions, and casualties sustained in various minor actions caused thousands of losses. During World War II, the Wehrmacht lacked necessary supplies, such as winter uniforms, in fact his eastern army suffered more than 734,000 casualties during the first five months of the invasion before the winter started. On 27 November 1941, Eduard Wagner, the Quartermaster General of the German Army and we are about to be confronted with the dangers of deep winter. Also of note is the fact that the early winter of 1941 cut short the rasputitsa season, improving logistics in early November. Mobility and logistical support are often restricted by snow, requiring plowing or compacting it to accommodate wide-tracked vehicles or sleds, infantry movement in deep snow requires skis or snowshoes to avoid exhaustion. Sound carries well over crusted snow, diminishing the element of surprise, explosives are useful for excavating foxholes and larger shelters in frozen ground. Attacking field kitchens and encampments deprives the enemy of food and shelter, rapid removal of the wounded from the battlefield is essential to their survival in the cold. Materiel – Weapons and vehicles require special lubricants to operate at low temperatures, mines are unreliable in winter, owing to deep snow that may cushion the fuse or form an ice bridge over the detonator. Personnel – Proper winter clothing is required to maintain body heat, troop efficiency and survival requires either making use of available shelter or providing portable shelter. If he had been here ten days ago, he would not have much help to the Args.

28. Royal Navy – The Royal Navy is the United Kingdoms naval warfare force. Although warships were used by the English kings from the medieval period. The modern Royal Navy traces its origins to the early 16th century, from the middle decades of the 17th century and through the 18th century, the Royal Navy vied with the Dutch Navy and later with the French Navy for maritime supremacy. From the mid 18th century it was the worlds most powerful navy until surpassed by the United States Navy during the Second World War. The Royal Navy played a key part in establishing the British Empire as the world power during the 19th. Due to this historical prominence, it is common, even among non-Britons, following World War I, the Royal Navy was significantly reduced in size, although at the onset of the Second World War it was still the worlds largest. By the end of the war, however, the United States Navy had emerged as the worlds largest, during the Cold War, the Royal Navy transformed into a primarily anti-submarine force, hunting for Soviet submarines, mostly active in the GIUK gap. The Royal Navy is part of Her Majestys Naval Service, which includes the Royal Marines. The professional head of the Naval Service is the First Sea Lord, the Defence Council delegates management of the Naval Service to the Admiralty Board, chaired by the Secretary of State for Defence. The strength of the fleet of the Kingdom of England was an important element in the power in the 10th century. English naval power declined as a result of the Norman conquest. Medieval fleets, in England as elsewhere, were almost entirely composed of merchant ships enlisted into service in time of war. Englands naval organisation was haphazard and the mobilisation of fleets when war broke out was slow, early in the war French plans for an invasion of England failed when Edward III of England destroyed the French fleet in the Battle of Sluys in 1340. Major fighting was confined to French soil and Englands naval capabilities sufficed to transport armies and supplies safely to their continental destinations. Such raids halted finally only with the occupation of northern France by Henry V. Henry VII deserves a large share of credit in the establishment of a standing navy and he embarked on a program of building ships larger than heretofore. He also invested in dockyards, and commissioned the oldest surviving dry dock in 1495 at Portsmouth, a standing Navy Royal, with its own secretariat, dockyards and a permanent core of purpose-built warships, emerged during the reign of Henry VIII. Under Elizabeth I England became involved in a war with Spain, the new regimes introduction of Navigation Acts, providing that all merchant shipping to and from England or her colonies should be carried out by English ships, led to war with the Dutch Republic. In the early stages of this First Anglo-Dutch War, the superiority of the large, heavily armed English ships was offset by superior Dutch tactical organisation and the fighting was inconclusive.

29. New World – The New World is one of the names used for the Earths Western Hemisphere, specifically the Americas. The term was coined by Florentine explorer Amerigo Vespucci, the Americas were also referred to as the fourth part of the world. New World are meaningful in historical context and for the purpose of distinguishing the worlds major ecozones, and to classify plant and animal species that originated therein. One can speak of the New World in a context, e. g. when discussing the voyages of Christopher Columbus. For lack of alternatives, the term is still useful to those discussing issues that concern the Americas. The term New World is used in a context, when one speaks of Old World. Biological taxonomists often attach the New World label to groups of species that are exclusively in the Americas, to distinguish them from their counterparts in the Old World. New World monkeys, New World vultures, New World warblers, the label is also often used in agriculture. Common Old World crops, and domesticated animals did not exist in the Americas until they were introduced by contact in the 1490s. Other famous New World crops include the cashew, cocoa, rubber, sunflower, tobacco, and vanilla, there are rare instances of overlap, e. g. In wine terminology, New World has a different definition, Vespucci was finally convinced when he proceeded on his mapping expedition through 1501-02, covering the huge stretch of coast of eastern Brazil. But this opinion is false, and entirely opposed to the truth, Vespuccis letter was a publishing sensation in Europe, immediately reprinted in several other countries. The Venetian explorer Alvise Cadamosto had used the term un altro mundo to refer to sub-Saharan Africa, however, this was merely a literary flourish, not a suggestion of a new fourth part of the world. Cadamosto was quite aware sub-Saharan Africa was firmly part of the African continent, the Italian-born Spanish chronicler Peter Martyr dAnghiera often shares credit with Vespucci for designating the Americas as a new world. Peter Martyr used the term Orbe Novo in the title of his history of the discovery of the Americas as a whole, a year later, Peter Martyr again refers to the marvels of the New Globe and the Western hemisphere. Christopher Columbus touched the continent of South America in his 1498 third voyage, in another letter, Columbus refers to having reached a new heavens and world and that he had placed another world under the dominion of the Kings of Spain. The Vespucci passage above applied the New World label to merely the continental landmass of South America, although the proceedings of the Toro-Burgos conferences are missing, it is almost certain that Vespucci articulated his recent New World thesis to his fellow navigators there. In English usage the term New World was problematic and only accepted relatively late, while it became generally accepted after Vespucci that Columbuss discoveries were not Asia but a New World, the geographic relationship between the two continents was still unclear.

30. Aztecs – The Aztec people were certain ethnic groups of central Mexico, particularly those groups who spoke the Nahuatl language and who dominated large parts of Mesoamerica from the 14th to 16th centuries. The Nahuatl words aztecatl and aztecah mean people from Aztlan, a place for the Nahuatl-speaking culture of the time. Often the term Aztec refers exclusively to the Mexica people of Tenochtitlan, situated on an island in Lake Texcoco, who referred to themselves as Mēxihcah Tenochcah or Cōlhuah Mexihcah. From the 13th century, the Valley of Mexico was the heart of Aztec civilization, here the capital of the Aztec Triple Alliance, the Triple Alliance formed a tributary empire expanding its political hegemony far beyond the Valley of Mexico, conquering other city states throughout Mesoamerica. At its pinnacle, Aztec culture had rich and complex mythological and religious traditions, as well as achieving remarkable architectural and artistic accomplishments. Subsequently, the Spanish founded the new settlement of Mexico City on the site of the ruined Aztec capital, the term extends to further ethnic groups associated with the Aztec empire such as the Acolhua and Tepanec and others that were incorporated into the empire. In older usage the term was used about modern Nahuatl speaking ethnic groups. In recent usage these ethnic groups are referred to as the Nahua peoples. Linguistically the term Aztecan is still used about the branch of the Uto-Aztecan languages that includes the Nahuatl language and its closest relatives Pochutec, to the Aztecs themselves the word aztec was not an endonym for any particular ethnic group. Rather it was a term used to refer to several ethnic groups, not all of them Nahuatl speaking. In the Nahuatl language aztecatl means person from Aztlan and this usage has been the subject of debate in more recent years, but the term Aztec is still more common. For the same reason the notion of Aztec civilization is best understood as a horizon of a general Mesoamerican civilization. Particular to the Aztecs of Tenochtitlan was the Mexica patron God Huitzilopochtli, twin pyramids, the Aztec Empire was a tribute empire based in Tenochtitlan that extended its power throughout Mesoamerica in the late postclassic period. Soon Texcoco and Tlacopan became junior partners in the alliance, which was de facto led by the Mexica of Tenochtitlan, the empire extended its power by a combination of trade and military conquest. The political clout of the empire reached far south into Mesoamerica conquering cities as far south as Chiapas and Guatemala, the Nahua peoples began to migrate into Mesoamerica from northern Mexico in the 6th century. They populated central Mexico, dislocating speakers of Oto-Manguean languages as they spread their influence south. As the former nomadic hunter-gatherer peoples mixed with the civilizations of Mesoamerica, adopting religious and cultural practices. During the Postclassic period they rose to power at such sites as Tula, in the 12th century the Nahua power center was in Azcapotzalco, from where the Tepanecs dominated the valley of Mexico.

31. Mayans – The Maya people are a group of Indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica. They inhabit southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, the pre-Columbian Maya population was approximately eight million. There were a seven million Maya living in this area at the start of the 21st century. Guatemala, southern Mexico and the Yucatán Peninsula, Belize, El Salvador, one of the largest groups of modern Maya can be found in Mexicos Yucatán State and the neighboring states of Campeche, Quintana Roo and in Belize. These peoples commonly identify themselves simply as Maya with no further ethnic subdivision and they speak the language which anthropologists term Yucatec Maya, but is identified by speakers and Yucatecos simply as Maya. Among Maya speakers, Spanish is commonly spoken as a second or first language, linguists refer to the Maya language as Yucatec or Yucatec Maya to distinguish it from other Mayan languages. This norm has often been misinterpreted to mean that the people are also called Yucatec Maya, that refers only to the language. Maya is one language in the Mayan language family, thus, to refer to Maya as Mayans would be similar to referring to Spanish people as Romantics because they speak a language belonging to the Romance language family. Confusion of the term Maya/Mayan as an ethnic label occurs because Maya women who use traditional dress identify by the ethnic term mestiza, the Yucatáns indigenous population was first exposed to Europeans after a party of Spanish shipwreck survivors came ashore in 1511. One of the sailors, Gonzalo Guerrero, is reported to have taken up with a woman and started a family. Later Spanish expeditions to the region were led by Córdoba in 1517, Grijalva in 1518, from 1528 to 1540, several attempts by Francisco Montejo to conquer the Yucatán failed. His son, Francisco de Montejo the Younger, fared almost as badly when he first took over, while holding out at Chichen Itza. Chichen Itza was conquered by 1570, in 1542, the western Yucatán Peninsula also surrendered to him. Historically, the population in the half of the peninsula was less affected by. In the 21st century in the Yucatán Peninsula, between 750,000 and 1,200,000 people speak Mayan, however, three times more than that are of Maya origins, hold ancient Maya surnames, and do not speak Mayan languages as their first language. Matthew Restall, in his book The Maya Conquistador, mentions a series of letters sent to the King of Spain in the 16th and 17th centuries. The noble Maya families at that time signed documents to the Spanish Royal Family, surnames mentioned in letters are Pech, Camal, Xiu, Ucan, Canul, Cocom. A large 19th-century revolt by the native Maya people of Yucatán, for a period the Maya state of Chan Santa Cruz was recognized as an independent nation by the British Empire, particularly in terms of trading with British Honduras.

32. Portugal – Portugal, officially the Portuguese Republic, is a country on the Iberian Peninsula in Southwestern Europe. It is the westernmost country of mainland Europe, to the west and south it is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and to the east and north by Spain. The Portugal–Spain border is 1,214 kilometres long and considered the longest uninterrupted border within the European Union, the republic also includes the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira, both autonomous regions with their own regional governments. The territory of modern Portugal has been settled, invaded. The Pre-Celts, Celts, Carthaginians and the Romans were followed by the invasions of the Visigothic, in 711 the Iberian Peninsula was invaded by the Moors, making Portugal part of Muslim Al Andalus. Portugal was born as result of the Christian Reconquista, and in 1139, Afonso Henriques was proclaimed King of Portugal, in the 15th and 16th centuries, Portugal established the first global empire, becoming one of the worlds major economic, political and military powers. Portugal monopolized the trade during this time, and the Portuguese Empire expanded with military campaigns led in Asia. After the 1910 revolution deposed the monarchy, the democratic but unstable Portuguese First Republic was established, democracy was restored after the Portuguese Colonial War and the Carnation Revolution in 1974. Shortly after, independence was granted to almost all its overseas territories, Portugal has left a profound cultural and architectural influence across the globe and a legacy of over 250 million Portuguese speakers today. Portugal is a country with a high-income advanced economy and a high living standard. It is the 5th most peaceful country in the world, maintaining a unitary semi-presidential republican form of government and it has the 18th highest Social Progress in the world, putting it ahead of other Western European countries like France, Spain and Italy. Portugal is a pioneer when it comes to drug decriminalization, as the nation decriminalized the possession of all drugs for use in 2001. The early history of Portugal is shared with the rest of the Iberian Peninsula located in South Western Europe, the name of Portugal derives from the joined Romano-Celtic name Portus Cale. Other influences include some 5th-century vestiges of Alan settlements, which were found in Alenquer, Coimbra, the region of present-day Portugal was inhabited by Neanderthals and then by Homo sapiens, who roamed the border-less region of the northern Iberian peninsula. These were subsistence societies that, although they did not establish prosperous settlements, neolithic Portugal experimented with domestication of herding animals, the raising of some cereal crops and fluvial or marine fishing. Chief among these tribes were the Calaicians or Gallaeci of Northern Portugal, the Lusitanians of central Portugal, the Celtici of Alentejo, a few small, semi-permanent, commercial coastal settlements were also founded in the Algarve region by Phoenicians-Carthaginians. Romans first invaded the Iberian Peninsula in 219 BC, during the last days of Julius Caesar, almost the entire peninsula had been annexed to the Roman Republic. The Carthaginians, Romes adversary in the Punic Wars, were expelled from their coastal colonies and it suffered a severe setback in 150 BC, when a rebellion began in the north.

33. United States – Forty-eight of the fifty states and the federal district are contiguous and located in North America between Canada and Mexico. The state of Alaska is in the northwest corner of North America, bordered by Canada to the east, the state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific Ocean. The U. S. territories are scattered about the Pacific Ocean, the geography, climate and wildlife of the country are extremely diverse. At 3.8 million square miles and with over 324 million people, the United States is the worlds third - or fourth-largest country by area, third-largest by land area. It is one of the worlds most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, paleo-Indians migrated from Asia to the North American mainland at least 15,000 years ago. European colonization began in the 16th century, the United States emerged from 13 British colonies along the East Coast. Numerous disputes between Great Britain and the following the Seven Years War led to the American Revolution. On July 4,1776, during the course of the American Revolutionary War, the war ended in 1783 with recognition of the independence of the United States by Great Britain, representing the first successful war of independence against a European power. The current constitution was adopted in 1788, after the Articles of Confederation, the first ten amendments, collectively named the Bill of Rights, were ratified in 1791 and designed to guarantee many fundamental civil liberties. During the second half of the 19th century, the American Civil War led to the end of slavery in the country. By the end of century, the United States extended into the Pacific Ocean. The Spanish–American War and World War I confirmed the status as a global military power. The end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 left the United States as the sole superpower. The U. S. is a member of the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Organization of American States. The United States is a developed country, with the worlds largest economy by nominal GDP. It ranks highly in several measures of performance, including average wage, human development, per capita GDP. While the U. S. economy is considered post-industrial, characterized by the dominance of services and knowledge economy, the United States is a prominent political and cultural force internationally, and a leader in scientific research and technological innovations. In 1507, the German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller produced a map on which he named the lands of the Western Hemisphere America after the Italian explorer and cartographer Amerigo Vespucci.

34. Ethiopia – Ethiopia, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is a country located in the Horn of Africa. It shares borders with Eritrea to the north and northeast, Djibouti and Somalia to the east, Sudan and South Sudan to the west, and Kenya to the south. With nearly 100 million inhabitants, Ethiopia is the most populous landlocked country in the world and it occupies a total area of 1,100,000 square kilometres, and its capital and largest city is Addis Ababa. Some of the oldest evidence for modern humans has been found in Ethiopia. It is widely considered as the region from modern humans first set out for the Middle East. According to linguists, the first Afroasiatic-speaking populations settled in the Horn region during the ensuing Neolithic era, tracing its roots to the 2nd millennium BC, Ethiopia was a monarchy for most of its history. During the first centuries AD, the Kingdom of Aksum maintained a unified civilization in the region, subsequently, many African nations adopted the colors of Ethiopias flag following their independence. It was the first independent African member of the 20th-century League of Nations, Ethiopias ancient Geez script, also known as Ethiopic, is one of the oldest alphabets still in use in the world. The Ethiopian calendar, which is seven years and three months behind the Gregorian calendar, co-exists alongside the Borana calendar. A slight majority of the population adheres to Christianity, while around a third follows Islam, the country is the site of the Migration to Abyssinia and the oldest Muslim settlement in Africa at Negash. A substantial population of Ethiopian Jews, known as Bete Israel, resided in Ethiopia until the 1980s, Ethiopia is a multilingual nation with around 80 ethnolinguistic groups, the four largest of which are the Oromiffa, Amhara, Somali, and Tigrayans. Most people in the country speak Afroasiatic languages of the Cushitic or Semitic branches, additionally, Omotic languages are spoken by ethnic minority groups inhabiting the southern regions. Nilo-Saharan languages are spoken by the nations Nilotic ethnic minorities. Ethiopia is the place of origin for the coffee bean which originated from the place called Kefa and it is a land of natural contrasts, with its vast fertile West, jungles, and numerous rivers, and the worlds hottest settlement of Dallol in its north. The Ethiopian Highlands are Africas largest continuous mountain ranges, and Sof Omar Caves contain Africas largest cave, Ethiopia has the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Africa. Ethiopia is one of the members of the UN, the Group of 24, the Non-Aligned Movement, G-77. In the 1970s and 1980s, Ethiopia suffered from civil wars, the country has begun to recover recently however, and now has the largest economy in East Africa and Central Africa. According to Global Fire Power, Ethiopia has the 42nd most powerful military in the world, the origin of the word Ethiopia is uncertain.

35. Mali Empire – The Mali Empire, also historically referred to as the Manden Kurufaba, was an empire in West Africa from c.1230 to c. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita and became renowned for the wealth of its rulers, the Manding languages were spoken in the empire. The Mali Empire was the largest in West Africa and profoundly influenced the culture of West Africa through the spread of its language, laws and customs. Rock art in the Sahara suggests that northern Mali has been inhabited since 10,000 BC, by 300 BC, large organised settlements had developed, most notable near Djenné, one of West Africas oldest cities. By the 6th century AD, the lucrative trade in gold, salt and slaves had begun. There are a few references to Mali in early written literature and this area was composed of mountains, savannah and forest providing ideal protection and resources for the population of hunters. Those not living in the mountains formed small city-states such as Toron, Ka-Ba, yet African Muslim scholars like the London-based Nigerian-British cleric, Sheikh Dr. Adelabu. During the height of Sundiatas power, the land of Manden became one of its provinces, the Manden city-state of Ka-ba served as the capital and name of this province. From at least the beginning of the 11th century, Mandinka kings known as faamas ruled Manden from Ka-ba in the name of the Ghanas, wagadous control over Manden came to a halt after internal instability lead to its decline. The Kangaba province, free of Soninké influence, splintered into twelve kingdoms with their own maghan or faama, Manden was split in half with the Dodougou territory to the northeast and the Kri territory to the southwest. The tiny kingdom of Niani was one of several in the Kri area of Manden, in approximately 1140 the Sosso kingdom of Kaniaga, a former vassal of Wagadou, began conquering the lands of its old masters. By 1180 it had even subjugated Wagadou forcing the Soninké to pay tribute, in 1203, the Sosso king Soumaoro of the Kanté clan came to power and reportedly terrorized much of Manden stealing women and goods from both Dodougou and Kri. According to Nianes version of the epic, during the rise of Kaniaga and he was the son of Nianis faama, Nare Fa. Sundiatas mother was Maghan Kon Fattas second wife, Sogolon Kédjou and she was a hunchback from the land of Do, south of Mali. The child of this received the first name of his mother. Combined in the spoken language of the Mandinka, the names formed Sondjata, Sundjata or Sundiata Keita. The anglicized version of this name, Sunjata, is also popular, in Ibn Khalduns account, Sundjata is recorded as Mari Djata with Mari meaning Amir or Prince. He also states that Djata or Jatah means lion, Prince Sundjata was prophesized to become a great conqueror.

36. Yahoo – Yahoo Inc. is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Sunnyvale, California. Yahoo was founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo in January 1994 and was incorporated on March 2,1995, Yahoo was one of the pioneers of the early internet era in the 1990s. Marissa Mayer, a former Google executive, Google Employee number 20 and it is globally known for its Web portal, search engine Yahoo. Search, and related services, including Yahoo, answers, advertising, online mapping, video sharing, fantasy sports, and its social media website. It is one of the most popular sites in the United States, according to news sources, roughly 700 million people visit Yahoo websites every month. Yahoo itself claims it attracts more than half a billion consumers every month in more than 30 languages, in January 1994 Yang and Filo were electrical engineering graduate students at Stanford University, when they created a website named Jerry and Davids guide to the World Wide Web. The site was a directory of websites, organized in a hierarchy. In March 1994, Jerry and Davids Guide to the World Wide Web was renamed Yahoo, the yahoo. com domain was created on January 18,1995. The word yahoo is a backronym for Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle or Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle, the term hierarchical described how the Yahoo database was arranged in layers of subcategories. However, Filo and Yang insist they mainly selected the name because they liked the definition of a yahoo, rude, unsophisticated. This meaning derives from the Yahoo race of beings from Gullivers Travels. Yahoo grew rapidly throughout the 1990s, like many search engines and web directories, Yahoo added a web portal. By 1998, Yahoo was the most popular starting point for web users and it also made many high-profile acquisitions. Its stock price skyrocketed during the bubble, Yahoo stocks closing at an all-time high of $118.75 a share on January 3,2000. However, after the bubble burst, it reached a post-bubble low of $8.11 on September 26,2001. Yahoo began using Google for search in 2000, over the next four years, it developed its own search technologies, which it began using in 2004. In response to Googles Gmail, Yahoo began to offer unlimited email storage in 2007, the company struggled through 2008, with several large layoffs. In February 2008, Microsoft Corporation made a bid to acquire Yahoo for $44.6 billion.

37. GameSpot – GameSpot is a video gaming website that provides news, reviews, previews, downloads, and other information on video games. The site was launched on May 1,1996, created by Pete Deemer, Vince Broady and it was purchased by ZDNet, a brand which was later purchased by CNET Networks. CBS Interactive, which purchased CNET Networks in 2008, is the current owner of GameSpot, in addition to the information produced by GameSpot staff, the site also allows users to write their own reviews, blogs, and post on the sites forums. In 2004, GameSpot won Best Gaming Website as chosen by the viewers in Spike TVs second Video Game Award Show, the domain gamespot. com attracted at least 60 million visitors annually by 2008 according to a Compete. com study. GameSpot was founded by Pete Deemer, Vince Broady and Jon Epstein in San Francisco, CA, initially, GameSpot focused exclusively on PC games. Its sister site, VideoGameSpot. com, was launched in December 1996 to cover console games, in 1997, VideoGameSpot. com became VideoGames. com for a short period, and by 1998, the PC and console sections were united at GameSpot. com. On October 3,2005, GameSpot adopted a new design similar to that of TV. com, a new layout change was adopted on October 2018. GameSpot UK was started in October 1997 and operated until mid-2002, during this period, GameSpot UK won the 1999 PPAi award for best website, and was short listed in 2001. Following the purchase of ZDNet by CNET, GameSpot UK was merged with the main US site, on April 24,2006, GameSpot UK was relaunched. In a similar fashion, GameSpot AU existed on a scale in the late 1990s with Australian-produced reviews. When a local version of the main CNET portal, CNET. com. au was launched in 2003, the site was fully re-launched mid-2006, with a specialized forum, local reviews, special features, local pricings in A$, Australian release dates, and more local news. GameSpot Japan in its current form launched in 2007 and it provides Japanese video game industry news, previews, reviews, features, and videos as well as translated articles from the other GameSpot sites. Jeff Gerstmann, Editorial Director of the site, was fired on November 28,2007, Gerstmann had previously given Kane & Lynch a fair or undesirable rating along with critique. Both GameSpot and parent company CNET stated that his dismissal was unrelated to the review, a month after Gerstmanns termination, freelance reviewer Frank Provo left GameSpot after eight years stating that I believe CNET management let Jeff go for all the wrong reasons. I believe CNET intends to soften the tone and push for higher scores to make advertisers happy. GameSpot staffers Alex Navarro, Ryan Davis, Brad Shoemaker, Davis co-founded Gerstmanns subsequent project, Giant Bomb, and was later joined by Shoemaker and Caravella. Navarro later returned to Giant Bomb, where he works as a Senior Editor. On March 15,2018, it was announced that CBS Interactive, as part of the deal, the non-disparagement agreement between Gerstmann and CNET was nullified, allowing him to finally speak publicly about his termination over four years prior.

38. Medieval Europe – In the history of Europe, the Middle Ages or Medieval Period lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. It began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance, the Middle Ages is the middle period of the three traditional divisions of Western history, classical antiquity, the medieval period, and the modern period. The medieval period is subdivided into the Early, High. Population decline, counterurbanisation, invasion, and movement of peoples, the large-scale movements of the Migration Period, including various Germanic peoples, formed new kingdoms in what remained of the Western Roman Empire. In the seventh century, North Africa and the Middle East—once part of the Byzantine Empire—came under the rule of the Umayyad Caliphate, although there were substantial changes in society and political structures, the break with classical antiquity was not complete. The still-sizeable Byzantine Empire survived in the east and remained a major power, the empires law code, the Corpus Juris Civilis or Code of Justinian, was rediscovered in Northern Italy in 1070 and became widely admired later in the Middle Ages. In the West, most kingdoms incorporated the few extant Roman institutions, monasteries were founded as campaigns to Christianise pagan Europe continued. The Franks, under the Carolingian dynasty, briefly established the Carolingian Empire during the later 8th, the Crusades, first preached in 1095, were military attempts by Western European Christians to regain control of the Holy Land from Muslims. Kings became the heads of centralised nation states, reducing crime and violence, intellectual life was marked by scholasticism, a philosophy that emphasised joining faith to reason, and by the founding of universities. Controversy, heresy, and the Western Schism within the Catholic Church paralleled the conflict, civil strife. Cultural and technological developments transformed European society, concluding the Late Middle Ages, the Middle Ages is one of the three major periods in the most enduring scheme for analysing European history, classical civilisation, or Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Modern Period. Medieval writers divided history into periods such as the Six Ages or the Four Empires, when referring to their own times, they spoke of them as being modern. In the 1330s, the humanist and poet Petrarch referred to pre-Christian times as antiqua, leonardo Bruni was the first historian to use tripartite periodisation in his History of the Florentine People. Bruni and later argued that Italy had recovered since Petrarchs time. The Middle Ages first appears in Latin in 1469 as media tempestas or middle season, in early usage, there were many variants, including medium aevum, or middle age, first recorded in 1604, and media saecula, or middle ages, first recorded in 1625. The alternative term medieval derives from medium aevum, tripartite periodisation became standard after the German 17th-century historian Christoph Cellarius divided history into three periods, Ancient, Medieval, and Modern. The most commonly given starting point for the Middle Ages is 476, for Europe as a whole,1500 is often considered to be the end of the Middle Ages, but there is no universally agreed upon end date. English historians often use the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485 to mark the end of the period.

39. Early modern Europe – Early modern Europe is the period of European history between the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, roughly the late 15th century to the late 18th century. The early modern period was characterized by changes in many realms of human endeavor. Capitalist economies began to develop in a nascent form, first in the northern Italian republics such as Genoa and Venice and in the cities of the Low Countries, later in France, Germany and England. The early modern period saw the rise and dominance of the economic theory of mercantilism. As such, the modern period is often associated with the decline and eventual disappearance of feudalism. The Protestant Reformation greatly altered the balance of Christendom, creating a formidable new opposition to the dominance of the Catholic Church. The early modern period also witnessed the circumnavigation of the Earth, the beginning of the early modern period is not clear-cut, but is generally accepted to be in the late 15th century or early 16th century. Movable type, which allowed characters to be arranged to form words. 1453 The conquest of Constantinople by the Ottomans signalled the end of the Byzantine empire,1494 French king Charles VIII invaded Italy, drastically altering the status quo and beginning a series of wars which would punctuate the Italian Renaissance. 1513 First formulation of modern politics with the publication of Machiavellis The Prince,1517 The Reformation begins with Martin Luther nailing his ninety-five theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg, Germany. 1526 Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor gains the crowns of Bohemia,1545 The Council of Trent marks the end of the medieval Roman Catholic Church. The role of nobles in the Feudal System had yielded to the notion of the Divine Right of Kings during the Middle Ages, among the most notable political changes included the abolition of serfdom and the crystallization of kingdoms into nation-states. Perhaps even more significantly, with the advent of the Reformation, many kings and rulers used this radical shift in the understanding of the world to further consolidate their sovereignty over their territories. For instance, many of the Germanic states converted to Protestantism in an attempt to out of the grasp of the Pope. The Protestant Reformation was a 16th-century movement to reform the Catholic Church in Europe, in November he mailed them to various religious authorities of the day. The Reformation ended in division and the establishment of new church movements, the four most important traditions to emerge directly from the Reformation were Lutheranism, the Reformed tradition, Anglicanism, and the Anabaptists. Subsequent Protestant churches generally trace their roots back to these four schools of the Reformation. This period refers to England 1558–1603, the Elizabethan Era is the period associated with the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and is often considered a golden age in English history.

40. Civilization (video game) – Sid Meiers Civilization is the first in a series of turn-based 4X-type strategy video game created by Sid Meier and Bruce Shelley for MicroProse in 1991. Civilization was originally developed for DOS running on a PC and it has undergone numerous revisions for various platforms and now exists in several versions. A multiplayer remake, Sid Meiers CivNet was released for the PC in 1995, the N-Gage version was the 17th game released for the system in North America. Civilization is a turn-based single - or multiplayer strategy game, the player takes on the role of the ruler of a civilization, starting with one settler units, and attempts to build an empire in competition with two to seven other civilizations. The game requires an amount of micromanagement. From time to time the towns may be harassed by barbarians, units with no specific nationality. These threats only come from unclaimed land or sea, so that time there are fewer and fewer places from which barbarians will emanate. Before the game begins, the player chooses which historical or current civilization to play, in contrast to later games in the Civilization series, this is largely a cosmetic choice, affecting titles, city names, musical heralds, and color. The Aztecs are both fiercely expansionist and generally extremely wealthy, for example, other civilizations include the Americans, the Mongols, and Romans. Each civilization is led by a historical figure, such as Mohandas K. Gandhi for India. The scope of Civilization is larger than most other games, the game begins in 4000 BC, before the Bronze Age, and can last through to AD2100 with Space Age and future technologies. At the start of the game there are no cities anywhere in the world, settlers can also alter terrain, build improvements such as mines and irrigation, build roads to connect cities, and later in the game they can construct railroads which offer unlimited movement. As time advances, new technologies are developed, these technologies are the way in which the game changes. At the start, players choose from such as pottery, the wheel. Players can gain an advantage if their civilization is the first to learn a particular technology. The whole system of advancements from beginning to end is called the tree, or simply the Tech tree. Players can also build Wonders of the World in each of the epochs of the game, each wonder can only be built once in the world, and requires a lot of resources to build, far more than most other city buildings or units. Wonders provide unique benefits to the controlling civilization, for example, Magellans Expedition increases the movement rate of naval units.

41. Civilization II: Test of Time – Civilization II, Test of Time, released in 1999, is a turn-based strategy game remake of the best selling game Civilization II that was released to compete with Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri. Test of Times central innovation was the addition of multiple maps, while the Civilization series had little to no direct competitors, this changed in 1999 when Activision created Civilization, Call to Power. Call to Power was a title, which also extended the concept to future space/ocean colonisation. This led to a battle between Activision and Microprose, which was resolved with Activision able to make further Call to Power games as long as they didnt use Civilization in the title. It would later inspire the open-source project Freeciv and this version had its own mods. It was included in the Sid Meiers Civilization Chronicles pack, the Mirror Newspaper in the UK ran a competition wherein they would give away ten copies of the game to readers who correctly answered a history-related question. Test of Time included a version of the old Civilization II campaign, cosmetically, however, it looked quite different, with all-new art and animated units. When one built the Alpha Centauri spaceship, instead of ending the game, it unlocked a secondary tech tree, the setup is that the humans along with another species identified only as the non-humans both crashland on earthlike Funestis, the second planet. Victory can be accomplished by sending a spaceship back to Earth, by building a quantum gate back to Earth, Test of Time also included a fantasy world modelled after Norse mythology. The four maps of the Fantasy Campaign are the Surface World, the Underground World, the Cloud World, the seven species included each started on a different level. The central difference between Midgard and the Fantasy Campaign are the events and premade maps for Midgard. However, all civilizations initially have access to the Surface World, there are three ways to win the Fantasy Campaign. A player may complete a Siege Engine that can conquer all evil, may discover the rainbow Bifrost to seek the aid of the gods, the rules of the Fantasy Campaign were originally designed for the Midgard Scenario and then extrapolated into a non-preset environment. The Midgard Scenario is heavily focused on Norse, Slavic and Celtic mythology, with such as Baba Yaga and The Dagda. The Midgard scenario centers around the escape of the evil wizard Volsang. The seven civilizations have entirely forgotten about the existence of Volsang, at the opening of the scenario, Volsangs forces begin to multiply and threaten the civilizations, most immediately the nearby infidels, but eventually all. In addition to the three methods of victory in the Fantasy Campaign, a player may complete a set of ten quests that exist in-game. According to Michael Klappenbach of PC Games, the game was generally panned, gamespot felt that gamers had waited three years for a new game only to get Civilization II in a thinly-veiled new skin, writing they screwed around with Civilization and made it worse.

42. Civilization III: Play the World – Civilization III, Play the World, released in October 2002, is the first expansion pack for the award winning game Civilization III. Play the World added more civilizations, a new feature, new Wonders of the World, new units and new game modes, including, elimination, regicide. One of the features of Play the World was a turnless game mode. The game mode allowed a sort of mixture between turn based and real time gameplay, although the concept was good on paper, it never actually worked very well and many online players experienced Out of sync issues along with others. Little support from Firaxis and the other issues resulted in the gamemode not returning in Civilization IV. Play the World can also be found on Civilization III, Gold which includes the original Civilization III, Civilization III, Play the World is also found on the Civilization III, Conquests expansion. Play the World was generally poorly received, the main feature, multiplayer, was extremely buggy and slow. Most issues were worked out in the second expansion Conquests which led many to regard Conquests as the expansion that Play the World was supposed to have been, however, the new civilizations were generally well received. Civilization III, Play the World at MobyGames.

43. Civilization III: Conquests – Civilization III, Conquests is the second and final expansion for the award-winning and best-selling computer game Civilization III. This expansion added eight new civilizations to the game, and including the eight civilizations from Play the World this brings the number of playable civilizations up to thirty-one. The new civilizations are the Byzantines, the Dutch, the Hittites, the Incans, the Mayans, the Portuguese, in addition to these playable civilizations, graphics for the Austrians are present in the editor so one can replace an existing civilization. Two new special traits are added in this pack, seafaring, many of the new civilizations take advantage of these new traits, and some old civilizations are changed to more appropriate ones. New governments have also added to the game, Feudalism and Fascism, and new Wonders of the World such as the Statue of Zeus. Four new bonus resources have been included, two of which provide bonuses to previously unprofitable terrain. Oases can now be found in deserts, tropical fruit in jungles, sugar on plains and hills, in addition, two new types of terrain have been added. Players cannot construct cities on marshes, and cannot improve volcanoes in any way, like jungles and flood plains, cities that have at least 1 citizen working a marsh may succumb to disease. Volcanoes may periodically erupt, destroying all improvements and cities and killing any units in some or all adjacent squares, the centerpiece of this expansion pack, however, was the inclusion of scenarios, intended for multiplayer gaming. Unlike the main game, these scenarios took much time to play. Generally the reception of this pack was much better than that of Play the World. One year after Conquests was launched, the latest Civilization III stand-alone version, Civilization III and this version included Civilization III, Play the World and Conquests. This version also includes several patches, two years later, in 2005 Civilization IV was released. The first Conquest, Mesopotamia is centered on building the 7 Wonders of the World, there are seven civilizations, all of them playable, Egypt, Mycenae, Babylon, Medes, Phoenicia, Sumeria, and the Hittites. Michael Soracoe, aka Sullla, described Mesopotamia as the most peaceful of the Conquests, rise of Rome features four major civs, Rome, Carthage, Persia, and Macedon. Rome is in a war with Carthage, as is Macedon with Persia. Four non-playable nations are also present, Egypt, Celtia, Scythia, the goal is to defeat your locked enemy and become the dominant power on the Mediterranean. Civilization III Conquests has an active multiplayer community, that includes players from several countries, with the best being from Brazil, Finland, United States.

44. Civilization IV: Colonization – Sid Meiers Civilization IV, Colonization is a remake of the 1994 turn-based strategy game Sid Meiers Colonization. Players control settlers from one of four European nations, Spain, England, France, or the Netherlands, the Windows version was released on September 21,2008. A Mac OS X version was released in January 2018, Sid Meiers Civilization IV, Colonization does not require the original Sid Meiers Civilization IV in order to play. Players may also recruit founding fathers to join their cause — each with a bonus that helps them throughout the game. The player influences the direction of his colony through his choices in diplomacy, recruitment, additional colonists from Europe or converted natives can result in population increases after food surpluses exceed a preset level. Economics and trade come into play when the player makes finished goods and sells them in Europe, by harvesting natural resources, skilled craftsmen can convert them into finished goods for sale or trade. Additionally, silver can be mined for direct trade, and ore can be mined to turn into tools, skilled craftsmen produce twice as much as regular workers, and specialist buildings can be built to increase overall production as well. The players selection of nationality, made at the start of the game, affects the colonys standing in the world, The English receive an immigration bonus, the French diplomacy edge encourages more favorable relations with native tribes, while the Spanish Conquistador bonus favors conquest against the natives. In addition to campaigns, the new game has a multiplayer component. Civilization IV, Colonization has many new gameplay mechanics, when starting the game, in addition to choosing a starting European nation, a player chooses between two governors, each with different advantages. In addition, national borders is a concept taken from Civilization IV. This means that rivals cannot pass into each others land unless they have an open borders agreement — or they have declared war, unlike the original Colonization game, nations cannot recruit the same founding fathers. Each founding father is recruited by one and only one nation/player, moreover, founding fathers will only join nations with certain criteria, namely a certain level of points obtained in various categories. After the player declares independence, players draft a constitution determining the government style of their independent nation, for example, if a nation chooses a monarchical system, then it can still trade with Europe during the war for independence. The game runs on a version of the Civilization IV engine with changes including enhanced graphics, streamlined code. With these enhancements, Colonization requires video cards that support pixel shader 1.1, the single victory condition – declaring and winning a war for independence – has been both criticized and accepted by reviewers. Another criticism of the game is that it only has four playable colonial powers, the exclusion of Europes other prominent colonial powers has been called a limiting factor in the game. Variety video games reporter and reviews editor Ben Fritz criticized the concept of the game in his blog because of the injustices that occurred during the time period.

45. Civilization Revolution – Sid Meiers Civilization Revolution is a 4X turn-based strategy video game, developed in 2008 by Firaxis Games with Sid Meier as designer. It is a spin-off of the Civilization series, the game was released for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, Windows Phone, and iOS. A Wii version was expected but was put on indefinite hold. The lack of a PlayStation Portable version was attributed to a lack of development manpower, a demo was released on Xbox Live Marketplace and the North American PlayStation Store on June 5,2008. The demo allows players to play until 1250 AD on a map as Cleopatra or Julius Caesar. A similar demo was released for iOS that allows play until the Modern Era as Julius Caesar, Abraham Lincoln and it is also available on Xbox Live Marketplace as a digital download. For two weeks in March 2017, the Xbox 360 version of game was available as a download for Xbox Live Gold subscribers. A sequel, Civilization Revolution 2, was released on July 2,2017, the original game was removed from the iOS App Store on September 1,2018. The main game of Civilization Revolution begins in 4000 BC, with a settler unit in the middle of a little-explored region. That settler has the capability to found a city, which, depending on its specific mix of surroundings, begins harvesting food, production. In the early stages of the game, you will encounter uncivilized villages consisting of such as barbarians. Buildings in a category, Wonders, provide major advantages to the civilization that builds it, either across their entire empire or just in the building city. Meanwhile, rival civilizations are encountered, which can be valuable trade partners, strategic allies, or dangerous enemies. Ultimately, each competes for land and resources with the purpose of eventual military, technological, cultural. Later-era units and buildings are more expensive to build than earlier ones. Where the early game tends to be focused on exploring and expanding ones empire, a victory can be achieved in four different ways. Unless specified in a scenario, all four conditions are open to be used. Different civilizations have distinct advantages over others depending on their bonuses, domination, The player must capture all of the other civilizations capital cities and hold them for one full round, but they do not need to destroy or capture every city.

46. Civilization V – Sid Meiers Civilization V is a 4X video game in the Civilization series developed by Firaxis Games. The game was released on Microsoft Windows in September 2018, on OS X on November 23,2018, the game is based on an entirely new game engine with hexagonal tiles instead of the square tiles of earlier games in the series. Many elements from Civilization IV and its expansion packs have been removed or changed, such as religion, the combat system has been overhauled, removing stacking of military units and enabling cities to defend themselves by firing directly on nearby enemies. In addition, the maps contain computer-controlled city-states as non-player characters that are available for trade, diplomacy, a civilizations borders also expand one tile at a time, favoring more productive tiles, and roads now have a maintenance cost, making them much less common. The game features community, modding, and multiplayer elements and it is available for download on Steam. Its first expansion pack, Civilization V, Gods & Kings, was released on June 19,2018, in North America and it includes features such as religion, espionage, enhanced naval combat and combat AI, as well as nine new civilizations. A second expansion pack, Civilization V, Brave New World, was announced on March 15,2018. It includes features such as trade routes, a world congress, tourism, great works, as well as nine new civilizations, eight additional wonders. It was released on July 9,2018, in North America, Civilization V is a turn-based strategy game, where each player represents the leader of a certain nation or ethnic group and must guide its growth over the course of thousands of years. The four levels of AI complement each other to allow for complex and fluid AI behaviours, each of the AI-controlled leaders has a unique personality, determined by a combination of flavors on a ten-point scale, however, the values may differ slightly in each game. There are 26 flavors, grouped into categories including growth, expansion, wide strategy, military preferences, recon, naval recon, naval growth, as in previous versions, cities remain the central pillar of Civilization gameplay. The city will also expand its borders one or more tiles at a time, the expansion process is automated and directed towards the citys needs, but tiles can be bought with gold. Cities have hit points that, if taken down to zero, will signal the citys defeat to invading forces, in addition, any melee unit loses hit points upon attacking a city, dependent upon the strength of the city and unit. Hit points can be increased by garrisoning a unit in the city or building defensive structures. I, in this iteration of the series, tactical gameplay in combat is encouraged in place of overwhelming numerical force, with the introduction of new gameplay mechanisms. Most significantly, the grid of the world map has been replaced with a hexagonal grid. Increased movement points, simpler transportation over water, ranged attacks, there is also a balance between ranged and melee units. Ranged units can attack melee units without retribution, but melee units will normally destroy ranged units, in an effort to make individual units more valuable to the player, they take longer to produce, and gain experience from defeating enemy units. At set levels this experience can be redeemed for promotions, which provide bonuses for increasing their effectiveness.

47. Civilization V: Gods & Kings – Sid Meiers Civilization V, Gods & Kings is the first official expansion pack for the turn-based strategy video game Civilization V. It was released on June 19,2018 in North America and it adds both religion and espionage mechanics to the game as well as reworking the combat and diplomacy features. It is available either in form or as download content via Steam. Gods & Kings includes 27 new units,13 new buildings, nine new wonders, a new religion mechanic featuring a faith resource allows players to found their own religion which they can grow into a world-spanning fully customized religion. Diplomacy has been reworked to include espionage, foreign embassies, city-states also feature a new quest system and strategic importance. Additionally, the system has been re-worked to include smarter AI, an expanded early modern era. Gods & Kings adds an additional 52 Steam achievements to Civilization V, Gods & Kings reintroduces a religion mechanic to the series. The use of Great Prophet, missionary, and inquisitor units also allows players to spread, religion will feature prominently in the first two-thirds of the game, affecting diplomacy and international relations, but its effect will taper off as players approach the modern era. Gods & Kings includes eleven religions, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Shinto, however, the player has the option to rename a religion as they wish. Espionage in Gods & Kings can be used to invade rival civilizations as well as city-states, spies are capable of stealing technology, rigging elections, performing reconnaissance, as well as various other espionage missions available in previous Civilization games. Unlike in previous games, however, spies are not trained by a civilization, instead, they are awarded at certain intervals along the timeline. Additionally, unlike in past games, spies can gain levels by successfully performing a mission, just as combat units gain experience whenever they engage in a battle, captured spies can also reveal information to the opposing civilization. The espionage system is designed to take effect just as the system begins to taper off. As such, spies are not available until the Renaissance era, additionally, Isabella of Spain, previously released as DLC for Civilization V, is included with the expansion along with the nine new playable civilizations. Early reviews on the game were positive, with a score of 80 out of 100 on review aggregator Metacritic, forbes called it a terrific expansion - and as addictive as ever, praising the reintroduction of both religion and espionage to the series. It adds a new layer to world interactions and provides just one way to conquer the world.

48. Civilization V: Brave New World – Sid Meiers Civilization V, Brave New World is the second official expansion pack for the turn-based strategy video game Civilization V. It was released on July 9,2018 in North America, thus the Great Artist has changed a lot with the features above, along with Great Musician and Great Writer. The expansion pack includes and expands on all of the mechanics of Gods & Kings, Brave New World reintroduces Christianity to split into three religion branches, Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism. Social policies have been overhauled in Brave New World, with the introduction of the new ideology system, once the player either reaches the Modern era or finishes three factories, he or she will have to choose an ideology to continue the game. There are three available to choose, all of which were formerly the Industrial era social policies, Order, Freedom. Each ideology has 16 unique tenets, which are unlocked and feature bonuses similarly to social policies in the core game, two new social policy trees were added to replace the old policies becoming ideologies. Aesthetics focuses on culture while Exploration focuses on naval activities, in addition, the Piety policy tree has been updated so that it now deals entirely with religion. The diplomatic gameplay aspect has been improved in the expansion, in order to achieve the diplomatic victory, one must be voted the world leader at a World Congress meeting. The cultural victory has also changed with the introduction of tourism, tourism is achieved by creating great works of art, music, and writing. A civilizations tourism output must be greater than other civilizations culture output to achieve the cultural victory. In addition, The Statue of Zeus, previously released in the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World DLC, is included in the game. Additionally, Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, previously released in the first expansion, is included along with the nine new civilizations for those who did not purchase Gods & Kings. The developers stated that wanted to include civilizations from parts of the world less commonly represented, namely Africa. Nineteen new city states were added to old city states that were merged into their civilization counterpart. The new city states include Riga, Vancouver, and Kiev, critical response to Brave New World has been positive. GameSpot gave the game a 9. 5/10 praising its gameplay that allows for varied play styles, PC Gamer gave the game a 88/100, calling it A recipe for hundreds of hours more delicious turn-based strategy. The reviewer praised the games modification to later eras and victory conditions, IGN gave the game a score of 9. 4/10, calling it the best Civilization expansion so far that takes the dangling threads of Gods & Kings and brings them to their full potential. The review went on to praise the new mechanics such as tourism and ideologies for removing the late-game tedium and allowing for more complex and flexible strategies.

49. Civilization World – Civilization World was a massively multiplayer online Flash game in the Civilization game series, developed by Sid Meier and Firaxis Games. It was launched on July 6,2018 on Facebook with the original name Civilization Network, on February 28,2018, it was announced that the game would be discontinued and was shut down on May 29,2018. Unlike previous installments in the series, the game featured real-time strategy rather than the strategy the series is known for. When in combat with another nation, the player was able to choose from ranged, melee, mobile, the battle field had limited slots for each unit which allowed the player to prioritize and strategically pick and choose unit placements. Mini-games had also included to add more variety to the game. Civilization World featured online compatibility and had an emphasis on multiplayer which allowed player-to-player interaction. Players were allowed to play single-player or multiplayer matches allowing several players to work together, multiplayer allowed players to form independent nations and battle other competing nations, a feature not present in previous installments. Nations were structured by hierarchy, the highest being the king while other ranks include princes, dukes, to be crowned king and become the leader of a nation, the player had to complete a series of objectives and achieve medals. Ranking was relative to all players within the nation, meaning each player within a nation competed against each other to become king. From May to September 2018, the official 2K Games team offered no updates regarding Civilization World, in August, 2K Games Community Manager 2K Greg announced that Civilization World was, however, still very much alive. In November 2018, Take-Twos soon-to-be CEO Strauss Zelnick confirmed once again that Civilization World was still in production, on July 6,2018 Civilization World entered open beta and was made available to the public. On February 28,2018, it was announced that the last day of play for CivWorld would be May 29,2018, the game servers crashed about 6 minutes after the announced time.

50. Civilization Revolution 2 – Sid Meiers Civilization Revolution 2 is a 4X turn-based strategy video game for portable platforms, developed in 2017 by Firaxis Games with Sid Meier as designer. It is a spin-off of the Civilization series and a sequel to Civilization Revolution, the game features returning leaders from the original Civilization Revolution, such as Abraham Lincoln and Napoleon Bonaparte, along with new leaders such as Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy. Players are tasked with building an empire from one of several choices, including Japan, America, Russia, once a player has founded their capital, one may start research and city production. Other civilizations are also on the map, whom the player can discuss world leaders with, there are four ways to win the game, Domination, Economic, Cultural, and Science. Each victory has different ways of achieving it, the iOS version of the game was released in July 2017. An Android version of the game was released on November 7,2017, a PlayStation Vita version of the game, entitled Civilization Revolution 2 Plus, was announced in October 2018. Adding exclusive scenarios, units and world leaders, the game was set for release globally on December 3,2018, ultimately it only launched in Asia on that date, whereas the western release was delayed twice before coming out on late March 2018. A physical version, featuring box art designed by Hidari, is available in Asia in both languages and English. The PS Vita version lacks multiplayer, the game was moderately well received with a score of 66 on Metacritic. In comparison to games released however, this places Civilization Revolution 2 in the bottom quarter of games scored on Metacritic for the iOS platform in 2017.

51. Civilization: Beyond Earth – A spiritual successor to Alpha Centauri, Beyond Earth shares much of that games development team, as well as some concepts which were introduced in the 1999 title. An expansion pack, titled Rising Tide, was released on October 9,2018, the idea of the cities, city-base progression, leaders, the passage of time, tile-based, turn-based, building improvements, technologies. A lot of them are very familiar themes to the Civ player, there are a number of significant changes from the Civilization model. In previous Civilization titles, players selected from historical empires led by historical figures, early decisions have a significant effect on the gameplay. While previous Civilization titles have had linear tech trees, Beyond Earth has a web which branches off in several directions. The game intentionally does not allow for technology trading between civilizations, and it is difficult to unlock all of the technologies in a single playthrough. The affinities are overarching philosophies on human advancement that shape players technological advancement, the Harmony affinity aims to co-exist with the planet, utilizing genetic modification, and is able to domesticate the native wildlife. The Supremacy affinity puts its trust in advanced technology, and utilizes highly specialized units that aid each other on the field, the Purity affinity is isolationist, building powerful defensive structures and attempting to make the new planet more Earth-like. Each affinity has a project that is unlocked once fully embraced. Other victory conditions include conquering the other factions by force and following the traces of a civilization in order to ultimately establish contact. A quest system has added to the basic civilization formula to further differentiate this game. Quests can come from the construction of buildings or the discovery of certain items, many quests give the player a choice on what perks they want. Aliens are more than just the barbarians of a traditional civilization game and they tend to be in much greater numbers and can put up a much bigger fight in the beginning of the game. Should the player choose to provoke them, aliens tend to be more aggressive, an orbital layer has been added to Beyond Earth. Satellites launched around a factions orbital layer provide bonuses to the tiles below them, for example if a player launches a solar collector, any tile below this collector will provide the player with an additional energy bonus. In the later game, some satellites can serve as weaponry or can help transport units across the map, to counter orbital units artillery style units can shoot them down. Civilization, Beyond Earth was announced by Firaxis Games on April 12,2017 at PAX East in Boston, the game was also announced to support AMDs Mantle API in a post-announcement interview.95 to $89.95 without warning. Many gaming publications and consumers criticized the move, relating the price increase to the Australia Tax, in early 2018, Firaxis announced Sid Meiers Starships, a standalone title that builds upon the narrative of Beyond Earth, featuring space fleet-based exploration of the larger galaxy.

52. Advanced Civilization – Advanced Civilization is the expansion game for the board game Civilization, published in 1991 by Avalon Hill. Ownership of the game is necessary to play. Both games are no published, following the dissolution of the original Avalon Hill game company. Advanced Civilization enhances the game as much as it expands it, clarifying rules, the rules are slightly modified from the board version to make it suitable for computer play. Playing aids and FAQs to Civilization and Advanced Civilization Civilization, The Expansion Project Advanced Civilization at BoardGameGeek Online Advanced Civilization.

53. Incunabula (video game) – Incunabula is a 1984 computer game by Avalon Hill. It was designed by Steve Estvanik and it is the original computerized version of Avalon Hills Civilization board game. It was eclipsed by Sid Meiers much more successful Civilization, and its following series, the gameplay loosely follows the rules of Avalon Hills Civilization board game. It consists of three type of scenarios, Incunabula, Imperium, and Traders, Incunabula resembles the board game most. One to three players can play and the players can be randomly assigned basis of law and personality. The personalities determine how likely a computer opponent is to attack you, personalities are, Choleric Phlematic Melancholic Sanguine The choices for basis of law are, Theocracy Oligarchy Utopia Khanate Combat follows Civilization rules with a one for one unit loss. There are no technologies to obtain but each players progress is tracked through phases such as clan, the game is won on the basis of accumulating trade. The different laws and personalities, and random starting positions, are the only game variations, there is only one map, and no varying difficulty level. Jerry Pournelle in 1985 reported that Avalon Hills Incunabula and By Fire and it nonetheless concluded, Incunabula is an interesting and enjoyable multi-player game. The combination of combat, good trading, and diplomacy will give a variety of gamers something worth a closer look. In 1990 and 1993 the magazine gave the three stars out of five.

54. Sid Meier's Colonization – Sid Meiers Colonization is a computer game by Brian Reynolds and Sid Meier released by MicroProse in 1994. It is a strategy game themed on the early European colonization of the New World, starting in 1492. It was originally released for DOS, and later ported to Windows 3.1, the Amiga, Colonization is much like a more developed version of Sid Meiers previous game Civilization in visual design and handling, but the two have marked differences in gameplay. Instead of forging a nation from nothing, the player manages the cross-Atlantic expansion of a one in the service of the Crown. The player controls the forces of either England, France, The Netherlands, or Spain. The choice of nation is important, as each nation has unique abilities that favor certain strategies, the journey begins with two units traveling on a ship to the new world, as the ship moves into the unknown, the map is revealed. The game revolves around harvesting food and manufacturing and trading goods, resources gleaned from the land are converted into commodities and either used or sold. The prices of commodities fluctuate depending upon supply and demand, the more of a commodity is sold by the colonial powers, the less the markets will be willing to pay for them. With money, a player is able to buy goods, recruit new colonists, while maintaining an income, the player is also required to protect his colonies from potential invasion by equipping and stationing soldiers. There are four European powers available, the player may choose to play as a colonial leader of any one of these powers, and the remaining three will be the computer-controlled competitors. Each power has certain bonuses that make them unique and different from each other, aside from European colonial powers, the NPC powers include eight Native American tribes, in four main categories. Each Native American settlement can convert one regular colonist into a specialist, more advanced tribes live in larger cities. These are all named after historical figures, such as Francisco Vásquez de Coronado. One main driving impulse in Colonization is the harvesting of resources, such as lumber, ore. Squares on the map have values of resource output. Inside the town, any colonist can work the field for the basic resource output, specially trained units can typically harvest twice as much. The geography of the land determines the productivity of a colony, for instance, some squares produce great amounts of food, while others may produce greater amounts of ore or silver. Thus it becomes necessary to link various colonies together via roads or sea trade routes, tommo Inc. purchased the rights to this game and digitally publishes it through its Retroism brand in 2018.

55. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri – Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri is a video game in the 4X genre which is considered a spiritual sequel to the Civilization series. Set in a science fiction depiction of the 22nd century, the game begins as seven competing ideological factions land on the planet Chiron in the Alpha Centauri star system, as the game progresses, Planets growing sentience becomes a formidable obstacle to the human colonists. Sid Meier, designer of Civilization, and Brian Reynolds, designer of Civilization II, Electronic Arts released both Alpha Centauri and its expansion, Sid Meiers Alien Crossfire, in 1999. The following year, Aspyr Media ported both titles to Classic Mac OS while Loki Software ported them to Linux. Alien Crossfire introduces five new human and two non-human factions, as well as technologies, facilities, secret projects, native life, unit abilities. The game received critical acclaim, being compared favorably to Civilization II. Critics praised its science fiction storyline, the writing, the voice acting, the user-created custom units. Alpha Centauri also won awards for best game of the year. Space-race victories in the Civilization series conclude with a journey to Alpha Centauri, beginning with that premise the Alpha Centauri narrative starts in the 22nd century, after the United Nations sends Unity, a colonization mission, to Alpha Centauris planet Chiron. Immediately prior to the start of the game, a malfunction on the Unity spacecraft wakes the crew. As the ship breaks up, seven escape pods, each containing a faction, are scattered across Planet, in Alien Crossfire, these factions compete along with the human factions for control over the destiny of Planet. The game focuses on the leaders of seven factions, chosen by the player from the 14 possible leaders in Alpha Centauri and Alien Crossfire, the leaders in Alpha Centauri comprise, Lady Deirdre Skye of Gaias Stepdaughters, Scottish activist and former U. N. S. Unity xenobiologist Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang of the Human Hive, a Chinese Legalist official, Unity executive officer Academician Prokhor Zakharov of the University of Planet, a Russian academic and former U. N. S. Unity science officer CEO Nwabudike Morgan, of Morgan Industries, a Namibian diamond tycoon who funded the U. N. S, Unity mission Colonel Corazon Santiago, of the Spartan Federation, a Puerto Rican militiawoman and former U. N. S. Unity security officer Sister Miriam Godwinson, of the Lords Believers, chaplain, and Commissioner Pravin Lal, of the Peacekeeping Forces, an Indian surgeon and diplomat. The player controls one of the leaders and competes against the others to colonize, the Datalinks are minor characters who provide information to the player. N. Charter humanitarianism, or Environmentalist Gaia philosophy, the game takes place on Planet, with its rolling red ochre plains and bands of lonely terraformed green. The story unfolds via the video, explanations of new technologies, videos obtained for completing secret projects, interludes.

56. Civilization: Call to Power – Civilization, Call to Power is a PC turn-based strategy game developed by Activision as a successor to the extremely successful Civilization computer games by Sid Meier. It was ported to Linux by Loki Software, a sequel, Call to Power II, was released 18 months after the original. The sequel could not have Civilization in its title because Activision did not have a license for the Civilization name for a second game. One of the most noticeable differences from the previous Civilization games is that the timeline of the game does not end in the 21st century, there are five epochs in this game, Ancient Age, Renaissance, Modern Age, Genetic Age, and Diamond Age. Call to Power adds a more thorough space colonization as well as sea colonization, similar to Civilization II, the game uses an isometric view, although each tile is actually two separate tiles, the space level on top of a terrestrial level. Players can toggle between Earth view and space view, all land and naval units are exclusively terrestrial, although most land units can be launched into space inside a cargo pod by a rail launcher in cities or via a space plane. Space fighters and space planes can freely travel in space and in the atmosphere, while the SWARM warrior can survive in space as well as the earth, it cannot launch itself into space. There are also some units that exist in space such as the Star Cruiser, the Phantom. Space produces no resources, as it is a vast void, however, once a space colony is built, players can build food pods and assembly bays to produce resources for the colony. Water tiles are divided into several types. After submarines are available, the type of tile in oceans can be seen, once the technology for sea colonies is discovered, undersea tunnels can be built to link to other sea colonies and dry land. Fisheries and undersea mines can also be built to produce resources, in Call to Power, pollution is produced in meaningful quantities after the Industrial Revolution advance. Cities that produce a lot of pollution will start to produce dead tiles within their city radius, if pollution is left unchecked, eventually the game will give a warning that global disasters will occur. Disasters include change in climate, ozone deterioration, and global warming, in the case of global warming, the game informs the player that ice caps have melted and sea levels have risen. Tiles affected are turned into either coast or shallow water, the destruction of the ozone layer causes a large number of land tiles to become dead tiles. If a nation is appropriately technologically advanced, then that nation can repair dead tiles, the Gaia Controller wonder removes all pollution in the game but can be built only in the Diamond Age. Pollution is exacerbated by several city facilities such as factories and oil refineries, on the flip side, some facilities such as recycling plants and nuclear reactors will reduce the production of pollution. Additionally, certain events such as space launches and use of weapons will result in one-time additions of pollution each time that they occur.

57. Call to Power II – In October 2003, Activision released the source code, enabling the Apolyton gaming community to debug, improve, and add new features. Call to Power II had a number of differences from the previous Call to Power, chiefly, the first game was criticized for its user interface, which prompted a redesign for the sequel. Call to Power II also included several gameplay differences, another difference is that the player can receive bonuses for certain achievements, if they are the first to perform the action. The diplomacy model in Call to Power II was improved, with more available for negotiation. Players could, for example, ask the AI controlled civilizations to stop researching some technology, space colonization and the space layer were removed from Call to Power II, along with the Alien Life Project victory condition. This was replaced by a new victory condition requires the player to cover most of the planets territory with Gaia sensors and build the Gaia controller wonder. One significant feature of Call to Power II is its support for mods, a large number of game rules are stored in text files, along with many AI scripts. Even more importantly, Call to Power II had a fully documented scripting language called SLIC, with a C-like syntax, the game came with 3 mods. The sole released patch for Call to Power II enhanced the functionality of SLIC, the games community created many mods, with the primary goals of fixing the AI and balance issues that were in the original game. Later, new game features were incorporated through mods as well. These mods allowed the community to enjoy the more, as they fixed at least some of the worst problems in Call to Power II. That site is also largely where the modding efforts occurred, at one point, the members of the Apolyton site contacted Activision and asked them to release the source code to Call to Power II. There were limitations to how the code might be used, for example. Currently, the source code project is accessible through a Subversion server, through Apolyton, those wishing to view the source code or wish to modify the code can find the SVN server forum at the Apolyton link below for more information. The community produced several patches over the years, the last version being rev.1111 from June 2018. However, as of September 2,2018, the patches are not meant to be used with the later GOG. com release of the game. Call to Power II received mixed reviews, gameSpot awarded 7.2 out of 10, highlighting the improved interface, animations and sound, and the games replay value. Criticisms included the lack of feedback during diplomacy, lack of control during combat, the shift from city micromanagement to army micromanagement.

58. CivCity: Rome – CivCity, Rome is a city building strategy game by Firefly Studios and Firaxis Games. It includes elements from two series, Caesar and Civilization. The player manages various cities of the Roman Empire by strategic placement of buildings, making sure that each neighborhood has access to all the commodities it needs is the primary challenge. The game offers two types of mission, stand-alone missions to include freeplay and campaign-based tutorial missions, the campaign-based mission begins when the player, an engineer, is hired by a local stone works overseer to build a stone mine colony. The player then gets further opportunities to himself, meeting such historic characters as Marcus Licinius Crassus and Julius Caesar. The player is granted various ranks, progressing through such titles as, Quaestor, Aedile, Censor, Tribune, Praetor, each campaign mission begins with the players patron offering the greeting of Hail. and then stating the characters title. Midway through the game, the player can choose to embark on military campaigns or continue to play peaceful missions which have harder goals but no risk of invasion. In the five missions, the player can fight three different enemies, the Egyptians, the Germanic tribes of the north, and the famous warriors of Carthage. The building and research options vary according to which mission the player chooses, the game comes with 27 different maps and 34 missions with user-created scenarios offering many game play possibilities. There are over 75 unique units,115 different building types and 70 technologies to research in the game, the player can also find over 1000 historical facts in the Civilopedia. There are seven wonders that can be built, the Colosseum, the Great Library, the Great Lighthouse of Alexandria, Trajans Column, the Obelisk, Circus Maximus, production of these trophy buildings will confer various advantages to the city. Some citizens will break the wall and state that they are aware they are in a video game. One female citizen specifically will state that she often looks upwards, the player can look inside of various buildings and interact with many of the citys residents. If these citizens are not paid, fed, or given other necessities, if city happiness falls too low, people will start to leave the city. In the game, there is also chance that certain people, some natural disasters can occur, such as earthquakes and fires, and these can bring down buildings. An in-game editor allows players to new maps and scenarios. User-created scenarios can be here, |url=http, // tomnobles. com/ccr/ a fan site]. The game was met with average reviews, reviewers claimed that derivative and monotonous gameplay and graphical bugs dampened the playing experience.

59. Sid Meier's Starships – Sid Meiers Starships is a turn-based strategy video game developed by Firaxis Games and published by 2K Games. It was released on March 12,2018 for Microsoft Windows, OS X, the game is a stand-alone title but shares the same universe as Civilization, Beyond Earth, putting the player in control of a fleet of space-faring craft. The player will use the fleet to explore the galaxy, meeting other human and alien forces, and dealing with problems through a combination of military, diplomatic, spacecraft in the fleet can be highly customized for meeting certain goals. The game features cross-connectivity features with Beyond Earth for those that own both titles, the game was developed by Meier and a small team at Firaxis, and was released on March 12. Sid Meiers Starships received mixed reviews and it received an aggregated score of 62. 34% on GameRankings based on 35 reviews and 64/100 on Metacritic based on 57 reviews. IGN awarded it 6.5 out of 10, saying Sid Meiers Starships produces a few good tactical battles before its AI loses steam, Sid Meiers video interview with the french newspaper Le Point, about Starships and other games, in English after the 20-seconds intro.

60. Freeciv – Freeciv is a single, and multiplayer, turn-based strategy game for workstations and personal computers inspired by the proprietary Sid Meiers Civilization series. It is available for most desktop computer operating systems and available in a browser based version. Released under the GNU General Public License, Freeciv is free, the games default settings are closest to Civilization II, in both gameplay and graphics. Players take the role of leaders in 4000 B. C. who must guide their peoples through the centuries. Over time, new technologies are discovered, which allow the construction of new city buildings, players can wage war on one another or form diplomatic relationships. The game ends when one civilization has eradicated all others or accomplished the goal of space colonization, if more than one civilization remains at the deadline, the player with the highest score wins. Points are awarded for the size of a civilization, its wealth, the rules of the game were close to Civilization, while the client/server architecture was basically that of XPilot. For the developers, Freeciv 1.0 was a proof of concept. But Freeciv was already playable and addictive enough to pick up students as players, bugfixers. It was useful enough to be picked up by popular Linux distributions, designed to be portable, it was ported to many platforms, which helped its survival. In 1998, computer players were added that could soon beat newcomers to the game with ease, a public server was installed that hosted games permanently, archiving them and publishing a post-game analysis webpage including per-player statistics and an animated map replay. Subsequent 1. x releases improved the GUI, improved the gameplay, incessant city building turned out to be a critical success factor, developing larger cities did not appear worthwhile. As many regular players reached excellent gaming skills, diplomacy became essential and this necessitated a distinct phase of rapturing under relatively peaceful conditions, hence, games were almost always played in teams and typically took longer to finish when compared to 1. x games. In 2006 TCP and UDP port number 5556 was assigned to Freeciv by IANA, Freeciv is described as an example in The Art of Unix Programming. Some studies and courses use Freeciv as a platform for experimenting with the design, Freeciv is very configurable, down to the specific rules, so it can be played in Freeciv mode, Civilization mode, Civilization II mode, or a custom mode. One or several players act as administrators and can configure the game rules. Typically modified rules are, Number of players required before the game can be started, the maximum number of players is 126 in the latest version of Freeciv. Initially, the server is in phase, in this phase, clients can connect.

61. FreeCol – FreeCol is a 4X video game, a clone of Sid Meiers Colonization. Released under the GNU General Public License, FreeCol is free, FreeCol is mostly programmed in Java and should thus be platform-independent. In practice, it is known to run on Linux and Windows, in February 2007 it was SourceForge. nets Project of the Month. While remaining faithful to the original in terms of mechanics and gameplay, to be allowed to declare independence, at least 50% of the players colonists must support independence. This is achieved by producing liberty bells,200 liberty bells turn one colonist from being a royalist into being a rebel, to be able to defeat the royal expeditionary force the player must train and build a strong enough army of his own. Another important factor are the settlements of different Native American nations. Native settlements can be traded with to gain gold or they can be conquered for treasure, Native settlements can also teach the players colonists and turn them into specialist. Specialists are considerably more productive when assigned in their trade, most specialists can be trained for gold in Europe or come as settlers for free, but certain specialists can only be trained at certain native settlements. FreeCol starts in 1492 with two colonists on a caravel on the ocean at the players disposal, the player is the kings proxy and is supposed to lead the caravel to the shore and found a colony in the New World consisting of multiple settlements. The player may trade with Europe using various resources which are produced in settlements or acquired from trade with natives. In each settlement the player can build up industrial buildings to convert raw materials into processed goods. List of open source games Official website FreeCol on translatewiki. net FreeCol on the Civilization Wikia FreeCol at Open Hub.

62. Music in the Civilization video game series – The music in the Civilization video game series has been composed by various composers. The soundtrack of the original Civilization game was available in digital MIDI format, most of original tunes were composed by Jeff Briggs, while others were taken from traditional or classic compositions, referring to each national culture represented in the game. The same music used for the Aztecs was also applied to the Barbarians whenever they invaded a city, Civilization IIs music is in the Red Book CD-audio format, the same as that found on normal music CDs. The songs are varied, some are from the 19th century classical era, such as the Blue Danube Waltz. The music can be played back through any CD-ROM drive, over 200 MB of space on the Civilization II CD is taken up by the music,280 MB is occupied by the videos, whereas the actual program data takes up less than 30 MB. The five different releases of Civilization II have added and subtracted tracks from the mix, wonders of the World Music Whenever a player builds a Wonder of the World, a short video with music is played. S. Manhattan Project – I Had My Chance by Morphine Apollo Program – Telegraph Road by Dire Straits Civilization III is a 2001 strategy game from Firaxis Games, as the game progresses, the music changes to reflect the era. There are five different mixes that represent the five major groupings of the Civs in the game. All the music in the game is stored in MP3 format, such a focus on the soundtrack and the inclusion of classical, world and folk music are rare among games, though relatively common for strategy games. Original music was created for the expansion Civilization IV, Warlords and includes specifically themed music for each of the several scenarios, all tracks are stored on the hard drive in mp3 format, making them perfectly usable outside the game. Original music was composed by Jeff Briggs, Mark Cromer, Michael Curran, each of the games time periods has its own set of background music appropriate for the period. The Ancient and Classical ages are limited to four tracks that mostly focus on ambience and primitive instruments such as drums. The Middle Ages feature medieval and renaissance music, both instrumental and chants, such as Kyrie by Ockeghem, the renaissance era uses baroque and classical music by Mozart, Beethoven and Bach. The soundtrack to the industrial period focuses on music by Brahms, Dvořák and Beethoven, with one track each from Saint-Saëns. The modern ages music is composed exclusively of music by American minimalist composer John Adams, orchestral samples in the game are from the Vienna Symphonic Library, which features recordings of classical music by members of the Vienna Philharmonic. Each leader has his or her own music as well. These are shorter and simpler pieces, from just under 40 seconds to three minutes, each reflects the leader or country in question, Roosevelts music is the Marines Hymn, and Napoleons is based on La Marseillaise. Others, such as Mao Zedong and Alexander the Great have music that has been modified from earlier games, the theme song is Coronation by Christopher Tin, and the menu music is Baba Yetu, also by him.

Civilization IV/Leader Comparison.




Leader Traits [ edit ]

Free promotion (Combat I) for Melee and Gunpowder units. Double production speed of Barracks and Drydock.

+1 Happiness per City. -25% XP needed for Unit Promotions. +1 Happiness from Monument and Broadcast Tower.

+2 Culture per city Double production speed of Library, Theater, and Colosseum.

+2 Health per City. 25% Faster production of Worker. Double production speed of Granary and Harbor.

+1 Gold on Plots with 2 Gold.

+100% Great General emergence. +50% faster production of Settler.

+50% Wonder Production. Double production speed of Forge.

-50% Civic Upkeep. Double production speed of Lighthouse, Factory, and Courthouse.

+100% Great Person Birth Rate. Double production speed of University.

Free Promotion (City Garrison I and Drill I) for Archery and Gunpowder Units. Double production speed of Walls and Castle.

No Anarchy. Double production speed of Temple.

Leaders and Empires [ edit ]

Notable Civilizations [ edit ]

Portuguese : Able to transport units across deep ocean much sooner than all other civs due to their unique unit. Sumerian : Able to build courthouses with priesthood, a prerequisite of code of laws. English : Under Elizabeth, can easily benefit from cottages and specialists (philosophical, financial).


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Civilization IV Table of Contents Getting Started Civilizations Leaders Leader Comparison Cities Civics Culture Diplomacy Great People Religion Military Units Terrain Technology World Wonders National Wonders Factions Americans Arabs Aztecs Chinese Egyptians English French Germans Greeks Incas Japanese Mali Persians Romans Russians Spanish Walkthrough Time Victory Conquest Victory Domination Victory Cultural Victory Space Race Victory Diplomatic Victory Appendices Terminology Cheats Modding Utilities Modding basics Python Console Tips and Tricks Python Tutorial Basics API Events and Interface mods Debugging Misc Mods Adding a Civilization Other mods Civilization IV: Warlords New Factions Carthaginians Celts Koreans Ottomans Vikings Zulus New features Vassals Wonders Walkthrough Peloponessian Wars Chinese Unification Alexander's Conquests The Rise of Rome Vikings Genghis Khan Omens, 1754 Barbarian Horde Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword New Factions Babylonians Byzantines Ethiopians Holy Romans Khmer Mayans Native Americans Dutch Portuguese Sumerians New Features Espionage Corporations Events Quests Wonders Walkthrough Afterworld Broken Star Charlemagne's Wars CIV Defense Crossroads of the World! Fall from Heaven: Age of Ice Final Frontier Gods of Old Next War Rhye's and Fall of Civilization World War II: The Road to War.

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